is this even useful?

Space Index

Total number of pages: 456

info Page excerpts are hidden because there are more than 200 pages
0-9 ... 0 A ... 26 B ... 11 C ... 43 D ... 15 E ... 9
F ... 17 G ... 4 H ... 4 I ... 22 J ... 0 K ... 1
L ... 24 M ... 16 N ... 2 O ... 10 P ... 25 Q ... 3
R ... 29 S ... 27 T ... 8 U ... 5 V ... 13 W ... 2
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    



Page: Abbreviations for Captions (For Use in FOLIO Holdings Records): APPENDIX A
Page: Abbreviations for Names of Months (By Language)
Page: About Us
Page: Access Problems (Voyager)
Page: Accession Numbers for Bound Manuscripts or Archival Items (LTS Procedure #80 FOLIO)
Page: Accessioning a New Manuscript or Archival Collection (LTS Procedure #78)
Page: Accessioning an Addition to a Manuscript or Archival Collection (LTS Procedure #79)
Page: Acquisitions Glossary
Page: Acquisitions Location Addresses In Voyager
Page: Acquisitions Module: Defaults, Preferences, and Workflows
Page: Acquisitions Resources & Tools
Page: Acquisitions Stats (LTS Procedure #20a)
Page: Acronyms for LTS
Page: Added Volumes/Copies (LTS Procedure #5)
Page: Adding Donor Names and Funds to Bibliographic Records (LTS Procedure #114)
Page: Adding labels and formatting pages (DRAFT)
Page: Administrative procedures
Page: Affidavit or Other Legal Document Request Responses (LTS Procedure #95)
Page: All Procedures
Page: Annex Request Form
Page: Approval E-Book & Print Collection: Project (LTS Procedure #74)
Page: Audio Recordings Processing (LTS Procedure #13)
Page: Authorities procedures
Page: Authorities Resources
Page: Automated Ordering Process (LTS Procedure #103)
Page: Automation procedures


Page: Barcodes on Monographs (LTS Procedure #11)
Page: Basic Search and Filter (Instance, Holdings, Item)
Page: BATCH PROCESSING - Temporary records
Page: Bibliographic Import/Replace Profiles
Page: Bulk Import Profiles (LTS Procedure #46e)
Page: Bulk Loading: General Instructions (LTS Procedure #46a)
Page: Bulk Loading: List of Jobs (LTS Procedure #46c)
Page: Bulk Loading: LSTools Batch Processing Scripts & Tools (LTS Procedure #46b)
Page: Bulk Loading: Scheduling (LTS Procedure #46d)
Page: Buy or Borrow: Creating Orders for Items Procured by ILS Services (LTS Procedure #121)
Page: Buy or Borrow: Purchasing Guidelines (LTS/ILS Procedure #82)


Page: Call Number Examples (Voyager)
Page: Call Number Hierarchies
Page: Cataloging a Bound Manuscript (LTS Procedure #57 FOLIO)
Page: Cataloging a Photocopy of a Rare Printed Item (LTS Procedure #90)
Page: Cataloging Module: Session Defaults and Preferences Configuration
Page: Cataloging Options/Levels: Requirements (LTS Procedure #108)
Page: Cataloging procedures
Page: Cataloging Resources & Best Practices
Page: CJK
Page: CJK Cataloging and Record Maintenance (LTS Procedure #36)
Page: Claiming Missing or Overdue Serials (LTS Procedure #156) [FOLIO]
Page: Classification and Shelflisting (LTS Procedure #8)
Page: Classification on Receipt (COR) (LTS Procedure #38)
Page: Collection-Level Cataloging (LTS Procedure #1)
Page: Combined Report on Bib/Mfhd Suppression (LTS Procedure #117)
Page: Composer Cutter List
Page: Computer Disk Processing (LTS Procedure #19)
Page: Computer Disk Processing for Asia/Fine Arts/Olin**/Uris (LTS Procedure #19a)
Page: Computer-Related Troubleshooting in LTS Olin (LTS Procedure #31)
Page: Configuring and running MarcEdit to add URIs to bibliographic records (LTS procedures #171)
Page: Configuring Voyager
Page: Contact List
Page: Copy Cataloging Standards (LTS Procedure #26a)
Page: Copy Cataloging, Non-Fastcat (LTS Procedure #26)
Page: COVID-19: Cambridge Covid-19 Reference and Text books collection
Page: COVID-19: DG_EBA ebooks
Page: COVID-19: IET ebooks
Page: COVID-19: Manchester
Page: COVID-19: MIT Covid-19 Master
Page: COVID-19: Project Muse Free Covid Books
Page: COVID-19: ProQuest Ebook Central - temporary access until 06/19/2020
Page: Creating Alternate Titles (Procedure #3F)
Page: Creating Alternative Titles in an Instance Record
Page: Creating an ongoing order PO for physical, electronic, or P+E mix (Procedure #121)
Page: Creating and Editing Item Records (Voyager)
Page: Creating Orders for XBOs (Items Expected on Approval) (LTS Procedure #84) - Voyager
Page: Creating Preliminary MARC Records for Titles On Order
Page: Creating the authority maintenance queue spreadsheet (LTS procedures #170)
Page: Credit Processing (LTS Procedure #65) - FOLIO
Page: CUL Library Catalog
Page: CUL Policy on the Creation and Maintenance of Library Catalog Records
Page: CUL Registry of Digital Collections Maintenance (LTS Procedure #72)
Page: Current Cataloging Priorities for Rare Print Materials (LTS Procedure #60)


Page: Daily Print Firm Order Processing (LTS Procedure #78)-FOLIO
Page: Damaged and Deteriorated Items (LTS Procedure #17)
Page: Data import: General Instructions (LTS Procedure #32)
Page: Data import: List of Jobs (LTS Procedure #46c)
Page: Database quality procedures
Page: DCAPS Initiated Batch Projects (LTS Procedure #102)
Page: Deleting Records (LTS Procedure #92)
Page: Diacritics Chart for Voyager (A-G)
Page: Diacritics Chart for Voyager (H-N)
Page: Diacritics Chart for Voyager (O-S)
Page: Diacritics Chart for Voyager (T-Z)
Page: Dictionaries and Translators
Page: Digital Files: Acquiring/Cataloging/Local Archiving (LTS Procedure #85)
Page: Distribution of Non-Fastcat Books after Receiving/Inputting (LTS Procedure #53)
Page: DRAFT Emergency Preparedness Procedures (LTS Procedure###)


Page: E-Resource Cataloging Workflow (LTS Procedure #73)
Page: E-Resources Priorities & Expectations Statement: Requests for New E-Resources
Page: E-resources procedures
Page: E-Resources: Licensing, Acquisition, and Cataloging (LTS Procedure #66)
Page: E-Resources: Local MARC fields (LTS Procedure #66b)
Page: E-Resources: MARC field examples (LTS Procedure #66a)
Page: EBSCO Record loads
Page: EDI Invoices for Firm Order Processing (LTS Procedure #35)
Page: Equipment Maintenance in Library Technical Services (LTS Procedure #39)


Page: FAST Headings for Cataloging (LTS Procedure #87)
Page: Fast-Cataloging (LTS Procedure #3c - FOLIO)
Page: Fast-cataloging e-books (LTS Procedure #3e) - FOLIO (DRAFT)
Page: Fastcatting Added Copies and Added Locations (LTS Procedure 3d - FOLIO)
Page: Fastcatting: Pre-process Exceptions and Special Cases (LTS Procedure 3b - FOLIO)
Page: Fastmap (LTS Procedure #18)
Page: Fine Arts Artists' Book Collection (LTS Procedure #109)
Page: Fine Arts thesis processing
Page: Firm Order Cancellations (LTS Procedure #66) - FOLIO
Page: Firm Order Prepayment (LTS Procedure #68) - FOLIO
Page: Firm Order Receipt (LTS Procedure # 41) - FOLIO
Page: FOLIO General Information
Page: FOLIO Information, LTS Gateway
Page: FOLIO/OCLC Relationships (LTS Procedure #110)
Page: Food and Beverage Policy (LTS Procedure #37)
Page: Foreign Language Resources


Page: Game Studies Collection Cataloging
Page: General Withdrawals Report (LTS Procedure #115)
Page: Gift Notes (Procedure #105)
Page: Guidelines for Processing Shelf-Ready Chinese Approval Materials


Page: Hiring New Employees in LTS (LTS Procedure #27)
Page: Holding Statements: Formatting and Examples
Page: Holdings Statements Punctuation Table (was MHLD Punctuation Table)
Page: How to Gather Batch Statistics for the Fiscal Year End (LTS Procedure #145a)


Page: Index of Voyager Locations, OPAC Displays, and Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes (Procedure #106)
Page: Indonesian Cataloging Pilot Project
Page: Information For LTS Staff
Page: Initial Article and Title Tag clean-up report (LTS Procedure #113)
Page: Initiating an expense transfer (LTS Procedure #127)
Page: Inputting for Print Monographs (LTS Procedure #3) - FOLIO
Page: Inputting procedures
Page: Inventory and Cataloging FAQ
Page: Inventory app
Page: Inventory: 948 replacements (Transaction data note and Statistical codes)
Page: Inventory: Cataloging Multi-volumes
Page: Inventory: Cataloging workflow
Page: Inventory: Deleting Instance Records (mark for deletion)
Page: Inventory: Exporting Preliminary Instance Records to OCLC Connexion Save File
Page: Inventory: Holdings Records
Page: Inventory: Importing and Overlaying MARC Bibliographic Records from OCLC
Page: Inventory: Inputting and Updating non-MARC bibliographic (Instance) records
Page: Inventory: Item records
Page: Inventory: Searching
Page: Invoiced Receipts Truck Distribution List (LTS Procedure #120)
Page: Items Returned from OKU Access Services and Other Units (LTS Procedure #73)



Page: Keyboard Shortcuts - Acquistions Keyboard Equivalents


Page: Labels for use in LTS documents
Page: Law Library Technical Services
Page: Library of Congress Publication Pattern Policies and Naming Conventions
Home page: Library Technical Services Home
Page: Library’s priorities developed in FY24
Page: Licensing Principles for Hosting Digital Content (LTS Procedure #85a)
Page: Local Field Tags Used in FOLIO (LTS Procedure #93)
Page: Local Field Tags Used in Voyager (LTS Procedure #136-V)
Page: Local Notes In Voyager (LTS Procedure #91)
Page: Location and Call Number Corrections (LTS Procedure #75)
Page: Location Codes: Complete List
Page: Location Limit Groups
Page: Locations: Adding New Ones
Page: Locations: Spine Labels and OPAC Display Names
Page: LTS Computers: Setup for New Staff (LTS Procedure #29)
Page: LTS Continuing Education Team
Page: LTS Listservs
Page: LTS Priorities
Page: LTS Priorities (FY22)
Page: LTS Priorities (FY23)
Page: LTS Priorities, 2016-2018
Page: LTS Staff Language Skills
Page: LTS Statistics
Page: LTS Wellness Series: Materials Handing Video


Page: Macro Express
Page: Manual Loans Procedure (LTS Procedure #86)
Page: Manually updating headings (LTS procedures #172)
Page: MARC Record Sets
Page: MARC to instance mapping
Page: MARC vendor record service workflow and lifecycle
Page: Marcive Update File Loading (LTS Procedure #77)
Page: Material Emergencies in Rooms 107E, 110, B38, and B39 Olin Library (LTS Procedure #96)
Page: Medieval Manuscript Record Notes (LTS Procedure #84)
Page: Medium Rare Annex Transfers Processing (LTS Procedure #9a)
Page: Metadata Design and Operations
Page: Microform Guides in Olin/Kroch collections (LTS Procedure #22)
Page: Microforms Processing (LTS Procedure #21a)
Page: Minimal Level Cataloging (LTS Procedure #22)
Page: Monographic Series and Multi-volumes Receipt and Payment (LTS Procedure #75)


Page: Non-Keyword Searches in Use
Page: Non-Keyword Searches in Use in the OPAC


Page: OCLC holdings, Correcting Unresolved Records (LTS Procedure #70)
Page: Order of Notes in a Catalog Record for Print Materials (LTS Procedure #87)
Page: Ordering and Management of Supplies (LTS Procedure #38)
Page: Ordering Multi-volume Continuations (LTS Procedure #42)
Page: Ordering procedures
Page: Ordering Subsequent Volume(s) when the First Volume is Cataloged as a Single-part Monograph (LTS Procedure #34)
Page: Organizational Chart
Page: Outline of Steps in Preparation for Shelf Ready Books DRAFT (LTS Procedure #155)
Page: Oversize Chart
Page: Oversize Chart Call Number Examples


Page: Parts of a book
Page: Patron Checkout Records (LTS Procedure #94)
Page: Patron-Driven Print Orders (LTS Procedure #89)
Page: Paying Invoices in FOLIO (LTS Procedure #118)
Page: PCC Cataloging (LTS Procedure #124)
Page: PCC Reporting Responsibilities and Workflows (LTS Procedure #77)
Page: Performance Guidelines for Staff (LTS Procedure #52)
Page: Physical Marking of Periodicals and Serial Publications (LTS Procedure #54)
Page: Physical Processing (LTS Procedure #71)
Page: Physical processing procedures
Page: Policies
Page: POOF2 Selector Procedure (LTS Procedure #100)
Page: Pre-catalog Processing of Rush and Pink Flyer Items (LTS Procedure #19)
Page: Preservation Reproductions (LTS Procedure #7)
Page: Printing LTS Web Pages
Page: Procedures by Workflow/Area
Page: Procedures Preparation and Updating (LTS Procedure #2)
Page: Processing a ceased serial (LTS Procedure #169)
Page: Processing an ongoing order cancellation (LTS Procedure #112)
Page: Processing an ongoing order invoice (LTS Procedure #111)
Page: Processing Invoices with Discounts (LTS Procedure #45)
Page: Processing NY Times Orders (LTS Procedure #88)
Page: Processing Title Changes (LTS Procedure #40)
Page: Project Management Tools for LTS
Page: PURL Guidelines (LTS Procedure #83)


Page: Query Search (Advanced)
Page: Questions for Staff (LTS Procedure #6)
Page: QuickMARC


Page: Rare and Special Items Processing (LTS Procedure #50)
Page: Rare Cataloging Priorities (LTS Procedure #85)
Page: Rare Cataloging Profile (LTS Procedure #86)
Page: Rare materials procedures
Page: Receiving Government Documents (LTS Procedure #71)
Page: Receiving procedures
Page: Receiving Sample Periodical Issues (LTS Procedure #43)
Page: Receiving Single-Part Monographs (Voyager)
Page: Recording Donor Names (LTS Procedure #67)
Page: Recording E-Resources Troubleshooting and Responses to Other Patron Queries (LTS Procedure #97)
Page: Recording Public Performance Rights (PPR) for AV Materials (LTS Procedure #98)
Page: Recording Statistics (LTS Procedure #20) (FOLIO DRAFT)
Page: Reference Check Guidelines (LTS Procedure #14)
Page: Reference procedures and documents
Page: Reference Shelf: Currency converter, foreign language resources etc.
Page: Relinking a Line Item on a Purchase Order in FOLIO to a different Bib Record (LTS Procedure # 79)
Page: Remote Cataloging - Circulation (LTS Procedure #122)
Page: Remote Cataloging - Item-in-Hand (LTS Procedure #119)
Page: Reporting procedures
Page: Reporting Public Catalog Issues (LTS Procedure #129)
Page: Request for and Life Cycle Development of an Automated or Data Import Job (LTS Procedure #104)
Page: Required Fields in DACS (LTS Procedure #76)
Page: Resolving authority records deleted by the Library of Congress (LTS Procedure #174)
Page: Resolving FOLIO/OPAC/OCLC Discrepancies reported by ILS Staff (LTS Procedure #116)
Page: Resources & Tools
Page: Return of a Monographic Title to Vendor (LTS Procedure #20)
Page: Rules for use of 107E (LTS Procedure #122)
Page: RUSH Orders with Amazon (LTS Procedure #)


Page: Sample Query Searches
Page: Search Configuration: Material Types Display
Page: Searching for Invoices (Voyager)
Page: Searching Holdings Data
Page: Searching Instance Data
Page: Searching Item Data
Page: Searching Voyager
Page: Security Profiles in Voyager
Page: Serials Cataloging and Newspaper Processing (LTS Procedure #32)
Page: Serials procedures
Page: Serials Receiving in FOLIO (LTS Procedure #123)
Page: Serials vs. Monographs (LTS Procedure #30)
Page: Services
Page: Show X on Arrival Books (LTS Procedure #4)
Page: Single Manuscript Cataloging Worksheet (LTS Procedure #107)
Page: Site Index
Page: Site map
Page: Special Files Fields for Rare Books (LTS Procedure #63)
Page: Special formats procedures
Page: Special Orders Processing (LTS Procedure #33)
Page: Splitting subject headings (LTS procedure #175)
Page: Staff Articles & Presentations
Page: Staff Directory
Page: Standard Edits to Make When Updating Records for Single Manuscripts (LTS Procedure #57)
Page: Storage Codes (LTS Procedure #3a)
Page: Student Raise Guidelines (LTS Procedure #69)
Page: Subject Headings - Local Changes FAQ


Page: Telephone, Email, Internet Use (LTS Procedure #36)
Page: Temporary Procedures - COVID-19
Page: Thesaurus Terms Commonly Used for Rare Books (LTS Procedure #62)
Page: Thesis Classification by Subject: A-L (Procedure #12a)
Page: Thesis Classification by Subject: M-Z (Procedure #12b)
Page: Thesis Processing - Folio (LTS Procedure #12)
Page: Tools CLAMMS, LTS Batch Processing, PURL
Page: Training Resources


Page: Updating headings in batch (LTS procedure #173)
Page: Use of the Technical Services Statistics Database (LTS Procedure #101)
Page: Useful Links
Page: Using bulk edit for reserves
Page: Using CLAMSS (Cornell Library Automated Media Shelflisting System)--LTS Procedure #25a


Page: Vendor Databases
Page: Video recordings Processing (LTS Procedure #25)
Page: Video recordings Processing with Full Copy (LTS Procedure #25b)
Page: Viewing Data Import Logs
Page: Voyager Archives
Page: Voyager General Information Archive
Page: Voyager Keyword Search Configurations
Page: Voyager Keyword Searches in CUL Dropdown Lists
Page: Voyager Location Limit Groups
Page: Voyager MFHD to FOLIO Holdings Comparison
Page: Voyager Non-Keyword Search Configurations
Page: Voyager Notices and Reports (by Functional Area)
Page: Voyager Tables Archive


Page: Windows in Room 110 Olin (LTS Procedure #99)
Page: Withdrawals, Transfers, and Reinstatements (LTS Procedure #9)





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