Abbreviations, Months and Numbers in Foreign Languages

ALA-LC Romanization Tables  (Library of Congress) This resource has 55 languages.  Some links are useful for looking up letters and numbers.  None of the links includes months or the cursive alphabet. 

  • The "Arabic" link leads to a 10-page pdf file for Arabic letters of the alphabet with corresponding Romanization, but does not include numbers.
  • The "Chinese" "Japanese" and "Korean" links lead to a large pdf file about the Romanization system but does not provide numbers or names of months in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.
  • The "Greek" line leads to a 2-page pdf file showing the Romanized alphabet and cardinal numbers.  It does not include ordinal numbers.

Arabic Language Romanization of Numbers  (Library of Congress)  The link labeled "Romanization of Numbers in the Arabic Language 3" provides Arabic numbers from 1-28. 

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cardinal and ordinal numbers, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, common terms.  

Hebrew and Yiddish  (Yale University)  This resource is a chart of letters and numbers adapted from the ALA-LC Romanization tables. 

Initial Definite and Indefinite Articles  (Library of Congress)

Names of Months  (Princeton University)  This resource has abbreviations of the names of months for 37 languages, but lack CJK or a cursive alphabet.  It includes a link to initial articles  and common abbreviations .  It also includes seasons for 27 languages  and vernacular designators  in 42 languages.

Numbers and Bibliographic Information in Various Languages  (Wikipedia)  This link has a glossary of cardinal and ordinal numbers and bibliographic information for a variety of languages. 

TIP: Use GOOGLE  for simple search terms such as "Russian cursive" or "Greek ordinal numbers."

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