If we have a preliminary record in FOLIO, either from a vendor or input locally, this record can be exported to use as the basis for an original record in OCLC. The process is the same, whether the preliminary record in FOLIO has source MARC data or not.

First, navigate to the instance record in FOLIO. After verifying that you have identified the correct record, select it using the checkbox in the results list (middle pane). You can select more than one record at a time at this point, or just one record.

In the middle pane Actions menu, select "Export instances (MARC)"

A csv file with the instance record UUID(s) will automatically download. This is not the file you are looking for.

Immediately open the Data export app; look for the "quick-export" file with your user name and the most recent time stamp.

Click once on the file name to download the file, but do not open it.

The file will automatically be saved to the "Downloads" folder on you computer.

In OCLC Connexion, select File→Import Records.

Click on "Browse" and go to your downloads folder to select the file you just exported.

Since the file name changes each time, you will need to do this for each import.

When you have selected the file and verified your Destination information (e.g., Import to Local Save File) select "OK."

Selecting "yes" at the prompt to delete the original import file will help keep your Downloads folder manageable.

The record will now be in your local save file. You can retrieve it by searching the local save file (a blank search will retrieve all records in your local save file).

If diacritics are not displaying correctly in your imported records, check your import settings in OCLC. Go to File→Import records→Record characteristics.

For both Bibliographic and Authority records the Record Standard should be MARC 21 and the Character Set should be UTF-8 Unicode.