Create an order and at least one order line for format = electronic resource (334)

 Create an order and at least one order line for format = physical resource with multiple copies (335)

Create an order and at least one order line for format = P/E mix (336)

Create an order and at least one order line for format = other (337)

Create an order and at least one order line for a one-time order (338)

Create an order and at least one order line for an ongoing order (339)

Edit an existing PO (340)

Add an order line to an existing purchase order (341)

Close an existing order (342)

Set all POLs for an order to fully paid and fully received to close order as complete (343)

Save and open purchase order from purchase order line create or edit form (344)

•Require order approval to "open" order  (345 - failed/no data)

Add tags to a purchase order and purchase order line (346)

Filter POs and POLs by tags  (347)

Clone purchase order (353)

Populate POL details from Inventory instance (354)

Re-open order after making edits (355)

Edit quantity of PO line on an "Open" order (356)

Edit cost/fund distribution of POL on an "Open" order  (357)

How to process an ongoing order cancellation

How to process a one-time order cancellation