Note before starting: log onto FOLIO as a user with all permissions

Create new POs/POLs to test the tags, since the tags behavior on sample data can be unpredictable. See C659 for instructions on creating a PO/POL

  1. Go to the Orders app. Make sure some new POs and POLs exist that have tags assigned to them.

  2. Make sure you are on the Orders tab in left-side search/filter pane
  3. Find the Tags filter in the list of filters in the left pane
  4. Select one or more tags from the list in the Tags filter

    Results list of POs will only show ones that have the selected tags applied to them

  5. Click on one of the POs in the results list, and then on the tags icon, to ensure that the tags are assigned and visible

    Details view of the PO will open in the 3rd pane, with a link to the tags, which open in the 4th pane

  6. Change to the Order Lines tab in the left-side search/filter pane
  7. Repeat steps 3-5 for POLs


  • No labels