Contributor Resources Home
1. Introduction to Editing in Confluence
2. Creating a Module Using the Template
3. Adding Content to your Module
4. Completing Your Module
Additional Resources


Confluence has had a lot of changes since it first began; when it first started, it was almost all editing in HTML, and fighting with it to get the styling just right as well as the content. Now, Confluence has included buttons on the Edit interface to make sure editors have all of the functionality that they need in order to create all of the items in a tutorial. 

If you are interested in a more in depth discussion of editing the website, please see the “Editing in HTML” portion in the Additional Resources page. 


Latex Plugin

  • +Insert -> Other macros
  • Type in 'latex'
  • Select the Latex macro
  • Press 'Insert'

Including Geometry, Images, and other files

  • +Insert -> Files and Images
  • Either Upload Files, or enter image URL after clicking 'Images from the web'

Including Youtube Videos

  • +Insert -> Other macros
  • Type in 'youtube'
  • Select the 'Widget Connector' Macro
  • Input the entire URL from the search box at top of screen
  • Add width and height of widget;

Including 'Under Construction' notes

  • dfd

Including Links

Copying Pages

Expanded Lists










First, a quick introduction and tips for navigating through the Confluence editor