Projects with a wide scope. Usually across many or all groups in Chemistry.

Audit, July 2017

Cornell Audit requested inventory of our all IT-related devices in Arts and Sciences, including the Chemistry Department

Consider: Whitelisting to mimic that portion of VDI environment

One advantage (and limitation) of CIT's Virtual Desktop service is that they limit what applications you can run, limiting you to the only the applications they host. (You can package apps for them to host.)

CRCF's notes on CCB Comp Cmt

Oliver's notes related to tasks to address CCB's Computing Committee's requests and needs.

CRCF Printer Server

Placehold for idea of CRCF standing up a printer server for CCB to facilitate managed desktops.

Encryption project for Chemistry and Physics

Spring 2016: Have until December 2016 to encrypt non-exempted hard drives, per CU policy.

Evaluating CIT Desktop Anywhere

Testing CIT's Desktop Anywhere

Firmware updates on HP printers

Inventory 2014

Comprehensive IT-related asset inventory, including identifying all WinXP systems. And now includes printers.


WARNINGS and status updates regarding the phone and network wiring being upgraded in Baker Lab. (ST Olin Research Wing was done in December. And PSB already has a modern network).

  • Memo with NCP overview, plans, and expecationsUpdated memo originally sent to staff (11/6/12) and faculty (11/28/12) with information about the "when", "what", "why", and "who" regarding our network upgrades.
  • Technical detailsLink to when VoIP is not the right choice, and thus should stay with analog (copper wire) phone. Link to model of VoIP phone. Headset idea.
    • SOHO router changesResearch areas had private VLAN addresses. The default (initiated with Baker Lab's network upgrade) is that each system will instead have a public IP, within a VLAN shared by all Chemistry research units.

P014 Spirion project, public

P55 - Risk Assessment development

Recommendations geared towards Chemistry research groups. ChemIT's role is to promote, not require or enforce, these best practices.

P153 FMPro version from 11 to 14

Department-wide issue. Chemisty IT upgraded to A&S IT's v14 servers a while ago.

Video Conferencing for use by CCB groups

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