Public project-related information regarding Chemistry IT's efforts on this topic.

See also


Cornell employees (staff and academic staff alike) must not expose sensitive data belonging to others. Taking such precautions is not just a good thing to do, it is also university policy.

One way we do this is to not have sensitive data on devices we have the authority to put data on. This could be the computers you use (Cornell-owned, personal, public systems), smart phones, tablets, etc.

To assist each of us in finding such data on the computers we each use, we can use Spirion (formerly Identity Finder) to look for some types of data which may be sensitive.

Implementing a data cleanup process is more involved than just choosing the proper scan tool:

Chemistry IT's actions to date

Update Spring 2018

  • A&S is testing their server-based solution.

Prior actions and considerations

  • Manage a project to address this need within Admin staff areas in March and April 2013, and ~ every two years thereafter. For the Identity Finder component, do this by individual machine (not using any server-based component).
    • Await A&S's server-based solution decision before addressing how best to support Research areas' needs. A&S IT staff are conferring with Human Ecology; have already conferred with CALS.

Copies of prior public documentation pages

Chemistry and Physics How-to's for Identity Finder

Spring and summer 2017 steps to follow for select staff required to use Identity Finder "now". Different process expected for the fall for "everyone". :-)

Spring and Summer 2017: Chemistry and Physics, list of staff

Who needs to do what within Chemistry and Physics. Doing this all before the central campus-wide (CIT) Spirion server-based system, mediated by A&S IT, is made available to us, hopefully in the fall.


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