
If you have questions, check out the Frequently Asked Questions and the discussion forum inour free online course on ANSYS simulations.You need to sign in to to access the course. Alternately, you can post to the Piazza discussion forum as discussed below but this forum is less active than the online course. 

Piazza Discussion Forum 

Do you have any questions or comments about this tutorial? To post comments and to see all previous discussion posts on this tutorial, please click on this link.

 Piazza Discussion - 2D Steady Conduction 

First time using our Piazza discussion board? Please click on the following link for instructions on how to enroll in our class: 

 Piazza Sign-Up Tutorial 

Don't worry, it is quick and easy! After enrollment, you will be able to access the discussion pages for all SimCafe tutorials. Rest assured that you can post anonymously if you wish.

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