Piazza Sign-Up Tutorial and Directions

Step 1: Click on this link:piazza.com/cornell/fall2019/0000 

Step 2: Join as a "Student", enter SimCafe for the class access code and click on "Add Class"

(Click on the picture for higher resolution)

Step 3: Enter your email address. Note that this will work even if you do not have a cornell.edu email address. 

Step 4:  If you already have a Piazza account: Simply log in. 

               If this is your first time using Piazza: Retrieve the validation code sent to you by email, set-up a password for your account and enter your full name (note that Piazza can let you post anonymously). 




Congrats! You are now enrolled in our Piazza discussion board! The class name is "SimCafe SimCafe [Other]".



We highly recommended that you change your email notifications settings as follows to ensure that you receive e-mails only for the threads that you follow or post to. 

1. Click on the arrow at the top right corner of the page and select "account/email settings".

2.  Click on "edit email notifications" under the SimCafe class. 

3. Select "No emails" for "new questions or notes" and save your settings.


Note that you will receive real time emails for tutorial discussions that you follow. When you add a follow up discussion for a tutorial, you will automatically follow that discussion and therefore receive emails letting you know of every new comments. If you do not wish to receive any more notifications for a particular tutorial, please unfollow it by clicking on "stop following" as shown on the picture below. 

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