ChemIT to refresh all accounts within our DreamSpark subscription annually, well before Oct. 15th, 8:00 AM.
Adding just one NetID
For ad hoc adding folks individually, instruct individual to follow these instructions and then follow up on the request auto-generated by that process:
Process to refresh all our enrolled NetIDs
Step 1: Collect NetIDs to enroll (and to replace currently enrolled NetIDs)
Summary: Create text file uploads of NetID-based email address from ChemIT's "people" data process.
Specifics: By late September, get current people info from Kevin Ashman, which included new grads.
- Create "CCBpeople_20xx-yy-zz" file.
Compile all information into that year's "DreamSpark_source_data_MON-20xx" Excel file, located:
- R:\Chem IT\Software & Licensing\DreamSpark, Microsoft\DreamSpark ELMS uploads\
Delete undergrad employee and non-Research and most "non-paying" (N/C) Chemistry staff from the list.
Step 2: Replace enrolled NetIDs
Log into ELMS console via the "Administration" link in the upper-right of this page:
On the left, click on "Users".
Copy the data from Step 1 (above), using the following naming convention for the import, where YYYY is the year and MO is the month number:
- Faculty Import YYYY-MO
- Graduate Student Import YYYY-MO
- Research Staff Import YYYY-MO
- ChemIT import YYYY-MO
Set expiration date of
Set the Notifications:
- Select the "" option. (Not selected by default)
- De-select the "Send notifications to new accounts or reactivated accounts with email addresses" option. (Selected by default)
- (And leave the "Receive Progress Notification(s)" option selected.)