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Final Wiki Report

Individual Assignment

Update your Wiki Report Individual Contribution page so it accurately represents your work this semester.

Team Assignment (Research Teams)

All research sub-teams' pages have been formatted the same for consistency. Do not change the formatting of your page. Rather, update the page to reflect this semesters' progress.

  • The main page for your team should give the reader (assumed to be a senior engineer who is not familiar with the AguaClara project) a good idea of what your team is working on. This description should be concise but thorough and does not need to include equations or quantitative results. Be sure to include how your team's research fits into the AguaClara plant.
  • Be sure to include pictures on the main page that relate to your project.
  • Create a set of challenges for future semesters
  • Post all relevant documents (detailed task list, teach-in presentation, research report and final presentation) in the table on the main page for your team. All documents should be Powerpoint presentations or PDF's. No Lyx documents should be posted to the wiki.
  • If applicable, post any relevant MathCAD files. They should be linked to your team's main page under the current work section.

Please note the file naming convention for documents posted to the wiki:

  • Task List: TeamNameTaskListSemesterYear (LCDCTaskListFall2011)
  • Teach In: TeamNameTeachInSemesterYear
  • Final Presentation: TeamnameFinalPresentationSemesterYear
  • Final Report: TeamNameFinalReportSemesterYear
  • Future Challenges TeamNameChallengesSemesterYear

If you would like to include more information than is typically included on the page for each research team, make a separate page for it and link it to the main page. If, for example you would like to include a calendar, make a new page for it. Page naming convention should be Team Name and then a description of what the page is (i.e. LCDC Team Calendar)

There are also links on the Team Resources page to guidelines on graph use, report syntax, and more.

Final Wiki Clean-up

The wiki clean-up is part of the final wiki update.

Some important steps for the end of the semester include making sure the wiki is in order for next semester's team. There are important "wiki clean-up" steps listed below that each team needs to go through. The more organized our pages are the easier it will be for future teams to take advantage of all of our AguaClara knowledge.

  • Remove all empty/outdated pages
  • Make sure there aren't dead links
  • Make sure all attachments are labeled with a descriptive title and a date and comments describing them
  • Move any pages you need to, make sure all pages are in appropriate locations
  • Clean up the team calendar so it doesn't say your team is meeting forever and ever
  • Make sure all suggestions from the midterm wiki evaluations have been addressed.


Once complete, email your team leader with links to any pages that are in wiki-type and attach any posted PDFs directly to the email.


The final wiki update is graded both as a first draft and final draft. Make sure you review the following information on grading for the final report so you know what is expected for both the first and the final draft.

Your grade will depend on your team's ability to update your wiki space and keep current information and images on it. A significant portion of your grade is based on formatting because improper formatting causes valuable information to get lost on a team of this size.

The first draft must be your team's effort at a final draft; it must be fully spell-checked, all links must work, and pages must be structured in the correct format. Your first draft should be good enough to allow a totally new group of students to take over your subteam next semester and have no questions to ask you. Your grade is based on the clarity, completeness, and formatting of your final wiki.

Your first draft will be read and you will receive a list of comments. You then have time to address those comments and make any edits necessary. If you have done a great job on your first draft, you are guaranteed to get a good grade on the final draft. Teams who address the comments they receive will get full credit for their final wiki report.

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