Assignments + Calendars
- Syllabus
- Descriptions of assignments
- Calendar - Check here for upcoming AguaClara events as well as subteam meeting time
- Research Adviser Lab Hours
- Monroe's Calendar - set up an appointment to meet with Monroe
Subteam Descriptions + Research Reports/Presentations
Student Resources
- Challenges
- This page provides information about suggested semester work for the AguaClara teams
Team Roster - Past and present
Training Documents / Tutorials
How Water Flows Through the Plant
Brief overview of How Water Flows Through an AguaClara Plant
CEE 4540 lecture slides
- Contains lecture slides on topics pertinent to team members
Wiki Organization
- This page will show you exactly where and how to add information/graphs/equations/etc to your subteam wiki spaces.
- ProCoDA Functions
- Provides a comprehensive description of how to utilize mathematical and control functions in process controller.
Research Methods and ProCoDA Tutorial
- Provides an on-line version of the beginning of semester teach-in of automated experimental processes including information on process control software, laboratory set-up, and experimental design.
- ProCoDA Functions
- Python
- Python Tutorial
- Provides instructions on downloading Anaconda Navigator and getting set up with the tools to run our tutorial.
- Python Tutorial
- AutoCAD
- AutoDesk allows free download of its programs for students, including the current version of AutoCAD
- Mathcad
- MathCAD How-Tos
- Page created by the design team to offer some quick tips and shortcuts for working in Mathcad
- MathCAD How-Tos
- Camera
- Connect to computer
- Provides a how-to on connecting GigE cameras to a computer. Includes links to software and firmware downloads.
- Troubleshooting
- Contains links to useful troubleshooting pages and lists issues that were encountered in the lab and how they were solved.
- Connect to computer
- Team Experts in Fabrication, Honduras, Overleaf/Zotero, Design/Mathcad/AutoCAD, Wastewater, Equipment.
- To meet with Monroe, set up an appointment
Photos and White Papers
Photos from Honduras and Cornell
- AguaClara White Paper - Technical Materials
Roles in AguaClara
AguaClara Beyond the Lab
- Project Sites
- Live Plant Data Browser
- Live Plant Data Fusion Table
- EPA P3 Competition
- January Honduras Trip
- Itineraries and more from Team Trips
- Past Summer Internship Information
- Financial and Cultural considerations
Design Team Links
AutoCAD Download
Sourceforge Sign Up
Design Tool
Weekly Summary Guidelines
Beta Server Testing Instructions