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VRWG Meeting Agenda & Notes: 4-10-07
2-3:30, Olin 703

Project Updates

  • Lab of O  
    • Collection is in the final development stage. 
    • New metadata should be in by 17 April. 
    • Elane finalizing details of maintenance contract. 
    • Susette, Lance, & Rhea will meet to discuss user testing and promotion of collection.
  • KVRF       
    • 13,000 images currently in test mode.  Still issues regarding image data mapping.
    • Lance & Susette will work with Margaret on collection description and background image. 
    • Still questions regarding public access and integration. 
    • Estimated time of completion? 
  • HFJ
    • Still questions from HFJ staff regarding database integrity.  Danielle will provide examples
      to Luna dev team and set meeting to determine course of action
  • MacDougall
    • Metadata team meeting with Margaret to determine metadata scheme for new material.
    • Danielle will call larger team meeting in mid-May to develop plan to complete project.

Other Updates

  • WebFeat: Rick's Gateway Solution!
    • Rick has developed a way to create a single index for all Luna collections which can then be searched
      by Webfeat.  This should signficantly speed up the search process, as instead of hitting nine separate
      databases, Webfeat need only hit one. 
    • Still questions as to whether Find Images will be maintained over the long-term.
  • Outsourcing to Luna
    • Gale will document (on VRWG wiki) scanning requirements should we choose to outsource derivative processing
      to Luna (avoiding problems encountered with KVRF collection).
  • IPTC metadata
    • A number of institutions are now requesting that Luna maintain metadata embedded in images.  Rick
      is investigating options for implementing IPTC embedded metadata into our master and derivative image files.
      Rick will report back to the group with his findings at our next quarterly meeting.
  • Luna 6.0
    • Luna plans to do away with java client version in 6.0.  Also promising collection index for searching. 
    • Strong possibility that Cornell with be a beta test site for new Luna server this fall.  Surinder is working with
      Luna to move collections to this new server.

SubGroup Action Items:

  • Metadata
    • For the next quarter, the metadata group will work on migrating from VRA 4.0 alpha to VRA 4.0 beta.  This should
      resolve many of the data mapping problems we have been encountering during collection development. 

VRWG Meeting Notes: 2-1-07

  • We have agreed to break into sub-groups, which will meet monthly, and meet as a larger group quarterly.
  • During quarterly meetings, we will share sub-committees work/findings with larger VRWG group
  • During our quarterly meetings, we will also invite key stakeholders to give us feedback on their Visual Resources Collections
  • We will notifiy the group of our sub-group meetings, in the event that anyone ourside of subgroup should feel compelled to attend
  • We will utilize Confluence site to document our work.

Action Items:

  • Usability Group:
    • Gale will set up meetings to discuss testing documentation, PSEC's role, and follow up on Taj/Andean Collection Usability Tests
  • Technology Group:
    • Group will continue to work on KVRF & HFJ/TMS projects
    • Gale will contact WebFeat team to determine what is causing problems with "hanging" Luna Collections
  • Metadata Group:
    • Group will meet to discuss MacDougall metadata
    • Elaine will continue to work on contract for Lab of O
  • Promotion & Access
    • Lance will set meetings to review current promotion documentation (Fiona's)
    • Group will begin to determine roles of VRWG & VRAG