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Microsoft Word Document Cornell Instruction Program_Overview.docx Jan 22, 2012 by Jaron Porciello
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  1. user-5de93

    Some proposed edits:

    • Cornell Library is comprised of 18 unit libraries; many of the units, though not all, have an instruction coordinator to assist with scheduling instruction requests from faculty. 
    • Cornell does not have a central position to coordinate information literacy. We have a standing committee with rotating membership to represent the instruction needs
    • Research sessions are designed with the input of the faculty, and the experience can range from a one-time visit to the classroom to discuss databases, to a few weeks of intense research assistance for a project, to a for-credit research course taught by librarians. 
    • An abundance of information has made many ?? students are cogent of their lackluster information and research skills and grateful when faculty embed research instruction into their courses. A communications student writes, "_I now have a much more profound ability to do research thanks to the tutorials
      Unknown macro: {developed by Mann Library}
      which were the first ever true instruction I've received on actually conducting real research._"
    1. Mostly agree with Kaila. I suggest:

      • Cornell Library is comprised of 18 unit libraries; many of the units, though not all, have an instruction coordinator to who assists with scheduling instruction sessions requested by faculty.
      • Cornell does not have a central position to coordinate information literacy. We have a standing committee with rotating membership to represent address the instruction needs. [period]
      • Research sessions are designed with the input of the faculty, and the experience can range from a one-time visit to the classroom to discuss databases, to a few weeks of intense intensive research assistance for a project, to a for-credit research course taught by librarians.
      • Instruction and access to students [not sure what is meant here] is greatly improved through the use of web tools and technology; for example, since 2008, librarians have created over 1000 web course guides for courses that are easily integrated into Blackboard.
      • An abundance of information has made many ?? students are cogent cognizant of their lackluster information and research skills and grateful when faculty embed research instruction into their courses.

      Strategic Priorities section: First and second points need periods at the end.