Charter, status reports, results and more from the 2011 CIT Discovery Project. The Discovery Project did not cover all IT issues. Rather, it focused on impact to PeopleSoft and largely expected to be the responsibility of the PeopleSoft team.

Effort spent January 2011 to May 15, 2011

A report from the IS Activity System of teh effort spent on Workday, not including Steve Lutter's time.

Financial Aid and Student Employment

Financial Aid's use and interaction with Student Employement.

Impacted PeopleSoft Business Processes

PeopleSoft business processes impacted by removing identified Human Resources, Payroll and SES data from PeopleSoft

Impacted PeopleSoft Campus Community Business Processes

PeopleSoft Campus Community business processes impacted by removing identified Human Resources, Payroll, SES and parts of Campus Community data from PeopleSoft.  This list represents only those tables that are used by Campus Solutions/Contributor Relations.

PeopleSoft Application Inventory

PeopleSoft Application and Self-Service environments

PeopleSoft Campus Community Type Values

PeopleSoft TYPEs that must be managed by the owner.  These need to be flushed out during the Workday project as to ownership, needs in PS etc.

PeopleSoft Census Data

PeopleSoft person data counts and categorization.

PeopleSoft Production Control Jobs to Decommission

List of PeopleSoft HRMS, Payroll and Benefits jobs manually run by Production Control.

PeopleSoft Search-Match Processing

PeopleSoft provides on-line and batch processes to search for the existence of a person prior to creating a new record (and potential duplicate). 

PeopleSoft Tables used in HRMS Data Warehouse

PeopleSoft HR, Payroll and Benefit tables replicated to data warehouse nightly. 

Provisioning Documentation

Provisioning documentation provided by Identity Management

University ID Card System

University Id Card system resides in PeopleSoft. This system relies on person, job and student data to produce id cards for all of the Cornell Community.

Workday and ELM Integration

There is synchronization integration between PeopleSoft and Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) application.  The source of HR employee job data will change.

Workday and Kronos Integration

Kronos current and future data flow diagrams.