

The governing equation for heat transfer rate for a rectangular bar, as generalized by Fourier in 1807, is the following equation. In this equation, k is the proportionality factor as a function of material and temperature, A is the cross-sectional area and L is the length of the bar.

The equation above can be written in terms of heat flux using the definition that heat flux is the amount of heat transfer per unit area. This one-dimensional form of Fourier’s law of heat conduction is found below.

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Now that we have the pre-calculations, we are ready begin simulating in ANSYS AIM. Open ANSYS AIM by going to Start > All Apps > ANSYS 18.1 > ANSYS AIM 18.1. Once you are at the starting page of AIM, select the Thermal template as shown below.

You will be prompted by the Thermal template to either Define new geometry, Import geometry file, or Connect to active CAD session. Select Define new geometry and press Next. 

For this problem, we will be using the default Steady/static calculation type. Press Finish. No additional physics are necessary.

The Model Editor will launch automatically. In order to use the units given to us in the problem, press the Project button in the top left corner and select Units > US Customary. 

Go to Step 2: Geometry

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