Demo Plant

Spring 2008 team members: James Leung, Christina Campagna, Robin Zhou, Taylor Britton
Summer 2008 team members: Vanish Grover, Christina Campagna, Taylor Britton

Motivation & Objectives

The Demo Plant is a fully functional, transparent miniature AguaClara water treatment plant. It is designed and used for three main purposes:

Current Activities

This term the team was able to incorporate the most updated version of the dose controller into the demo plant. We were also able to test out the newly installed doser and LFOM, the results are reported in the Demo Plant Team reflection paper.(Report_Demo_Plant_Fall_2011.pdf)

Currrent work is being done to create a filtration component to be added to the end of the demonstration plant process. Also, a newly designed Sedimentation Tank is in the works to be built and incorporated into the plant. The new Sedimentation Tank will show the newly developed floc blanket that increases the efficiency of full scale Agua Clara plants. CAD drawings of oth new components have been created and depicted in the Demonstration Plant Team reflection paper. (Report_Demo_Plant_Fall_2011.pdf_)

Past Activities
Future Plans
Team Members

Muhammed Abdul-Shakoor