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General Program Information

Unknown macro: {float}

Free Rotation Used

Input Definitions

Inputs Needed to Call the Inlet Slope Trapezoid Function

origin - A 3*1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the inlet slope will be drawn.

Length - length of the slopes, generally the length of the sedimentation tank

WSed - width of the sedimentation tank

lorifice - length of the opening that will allow inlet flow

horifice - height of the opening that will allow inlet flow

borifice -

thick - thickness of the slopes

n - number of orifices and sections, one section contains one orifice

bigslope - slope of the inlet in degrees

little slope -

HTrapezoid -

Inputs Defined within the Inlet Slope Trapezoid Function

verticalorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2

verticaldim =

  • x: length/n
  • y: thick
  • z: HTrapezoid + thick*cos(bigslope)

slopeorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2 + HTrapezoid + thick*cos(bigslope)

dim =

  • x: length/n
  • y: thick
  • z: (WSed/2 -borifice)*(1/cos(bigslope))

verticalorigindim = verticalorigin + verticaldim

boxdim = slopeorigin + dim

sideorigin =

  • x: slopeorigin1 + thick
  • y: slopeorigin2 + dim2
  • z: slopeorigin0

sideoriginrotate =

  • x: slopeorigin1 + thick
  • y: slopeorigin2
  • z: slopeorigin0

orificeorigin =

  • x: verticalorigin0 + verticaldim0/2 - lorifice/2
  • y: verticalorigin1
  • z: verticalorigin2

orificedim =

  • x: verticalorigin0 + verticaldim0/2 + lorifice/2
  • y: verticalorigin1 + verticaldim1
  • z: verticalorigin2 + horifice + (borifice*tan(littleslope))

nrow = l

ncol = n

dist = length/2

mirrorpoint1 =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1

mirrorpoint2 =

  • x: origin0 + zc
  • y: origin1

win1 =

  • x: origin0 - zc
  • y: origin1 - zc
  • z: origin2 - zc

win2 =

  • x: origin0 + dim0 - zc
  • y: origin1 + dim1 - zc
  • z: origin2 + dim2 - zc

Technical Program Outline

viewtop - sets the workspace so that the user is viewing the top of the object.

viewtop <-- viewtop1

zoomwin - zooms on a window space directly around where the inlet slope is to be drawn.

zoomwin <-- zoomwin(win1, win2)

win1 =

  • x: origin0 - zc
  • y: origin1 - zc
  • z: origin2 - zc

win2 =

  • x: origin0 + dim0 - zc
  • y: origin1 + dim1 - zc
  • z: origin2 + dim2 - zc

verticalbox -

verticalbox <-- box(verticalorigin, verticalorigindim)

verticalorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2

verticaldim =

  • x: length/n
  • y: thick
  • z: HTrapezoid + thick*cos(bigslope)

bigslopebox -

bigslopebox <-- box(slopeorigin, boxdim)

slopeorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2 + HTrapezoid + thick*cos(bigslope)

boxdim = slopeorigin + dim

sideview -

sideview <-- viewrightside1

rotate -

rotate <-- rotate3d(sideorigin, sideoriginrotate, "z", 90 - bigslope*(180/pi))

sideorigin =

  • x: slopeorigin1 + thick
  • y: slopeorigin2 + dim2
  • z: slopeorigin0

sideoriginrotate =

  • x: slopeorigin1 + thick
  • y: slopeorigin2
  • z: slopeorigin0

"z" =

90 - bigslope*(180/pi) =

orificebox -

orificebox <-- box(orificeorigin, orificedim)

orificeorigin =

  • x: verticalorigin0 + verticaldim0/2 - lorifice/2
  • y: verticalorigin1
  • z: verticalorigin2

orificedim =

  • x: verticalorigin0 + verticaldim0/2 + lorifice/2
  • y: verticalorigin1 + verticaldim1
  • z: verticalorigin2 + horifice + (borifice*tan(littleslope))

subtractorifice - subtracts orificebox to create an orifice, using the verticalorigin to select orificebox as the object to be subtracted.
subtractorifice <-- subtractDall(verticalorigin)

verticalorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2

array - creates an array to replicate the slab n times, by using the origin to select the slab as the item to put into an array, then specifies that a rectangular array with one row and "n" columns with a displacement of "dist" is to be used to place the slabs one next to the other.

array <-- arrayB(verticalorigin, nrow, ncol, dist)

verticalorigin =

  • x: origin0
  • y: origin1 - borifice - thick
  • z: origin2

nrow = l

ncol = n

dist = length/2

union - Unites all the individual components of the inlet slope to act as a single unit

union <-- unionallA

mirror - replicates the original inlet slope drawn by selecting the original inlet slope using the origin, then reflecting it over a mirror line created using mirrorpoint1 and mirrorpoint2.

mirror <-- mirrorall(mirrorpoint1, mirrorpoint2)

win1 =

  • x: origin0 - zc
  • y: origin1 - zc
  • z: origin2 - zc

win2 =

  • x: origin0 + dim0 - zc
  • y: origin1 + dim1 - zc
  • z: origin2 + dim2 - zc

bigunion -

bigunion <--unionallA

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