AguaClara Outreach Team
Motivation and Objectives
The outreach team has three major goals. The first goal is to raise awareness of AguaClara to the general public and to the Cornell Community. The second goal is fundraising both to build plants in Honduras and for conducting research to improve and design AguaClara plants at Cornell. The third goal is recruiting new members to join the AguaClara team.
Finally, we also need to establish processes, precedents, and standards for future outreach teams. By documenting our procedures and methods it will be easier for future outreach teams to pick up the tasks of fundraising, recruiting and creating awareness.
Click here to see our Meeting Minutes and Semester Goals.
Outreach Events
Plans for upcoming outreach events can be found on the Events page. Information regarding the type of event and who to contact for specific details can be found there as well.
Find Contacts and other Resources including graphics, literature on AguaClara, and presentation preparation.