Pilot Plant
Sedimentation Tank Maintenance
Tank Drainage Manifold
A tank drain system was designed to drain in 30 minutes (Q ~drain~ = 20 L/min. The design is similar to the effluent launder except this manifold is located at the bottom of the tank.
Unable to find DVI conversion log file.[!Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Sludge Blanket Tank^IMG_0983.jpg|width=200px!|Pilot Plant- Sedimentation Sludge Blanket Tank^IMG_0983.jpg]
Tank Drain Manifold
By the same method as was used for the tank effluent manifold the manifold diameter was determined to be 1.905cm (0.75") and the orifice diameter is 0.3572cm (9/64").
* The available head the available head for the sludge ports is the total water depth (84.455cm or 33.25") minus the head loss in the manifold and minus the velocity head at the end of the manifold.
* Kminor was assumed to be 0 in the manifold and 1.0 for the pipe entrances and exits.
* The constant for the determining orifice diameter was found to be 0.63
*Qratio = 0.90
* 15 orifices were assumed to provide a similar layout to the effluent manifold.
The hole size in the drain manifold was increased to 1/4" to allow for faster tank drainage.