Basic steps

  1. Add the license to Box.
  2. Does the organization exist in FOLIO? If not, create it.
  3. Add the license to FOLIO. 
    1. Add the license terms. These display in the catalog. 
  4. Add the agreement to FOLIO.
  5. Link the agreement to the eHoldings record.* 
    • *Note: this part of the procedure will probably be done by whomever selects the item in eHoldings.

Step 1: add the license to Box

  • Licenses are stored in the AERLS License Storage Box folder
  • They are filed by provider name.
  • If there is more than just the license, the provider folder may contain subfolders:
    • Content documents – title lists
    • Signed documents – licenses
    • Supporting documents – e.g., email correspondences 
    • Here is an example for the provider Taylor & Francis.
  1. Is the licensor in Box (as a provider folder)? 
  2. If yes, upload the license to the provider folder under the Signed documents folder (if present). 
  3. If no, create the provider folder and add the license. 
    • Naming conventions for licenses can be found here

Step 1: add the organization to FOLIO, if needed

  1. Search the FOLIO Organizations app for the licensor. 
  2. Does it already exist? Awesome. Move on with your life. 
  3. If the organization (here, the licensor) doesn't exist, you will need to create it. 
    • Here is everything you never wanted to know about creating (and more!) organizations
    • Note: for current Cornell ERM purposes, the code is the EBSCO provider code_ERM (6/30/21). 
      • If there is no EBSCO provider code, you can write NOCODE_ERM. 
    • We recommend using the Contact people field for storing the name, email address, etc. of anyone from the company relevant to the licensing process. 

Step 3: add the license to FOLIO

  1.  Under the Licenses app, create a new license. 
    1. Name = the licensor or provider
      1. This is especially the case if we may acquire other materials by this same provider that would be covered by this license (e.g. Brill).
      2. If the license will only cover the single product, you could name it Provider - Product (e.g. Film Natie - Cemetery State). 
      3. If you might search for the license by its acronym, include the acronym as a parenthetical: American Chemical Society (ACS). 
    2. Use Consortial for Type if the license is through NERL, etc.
    3. Include the Start date. If there is no End date, check Open ended. 
    4. You can use the Add alternative name field to add any other names by which we might locate the license. When searching for licenses in the main search bar, the alternative name field is searched as well. 
  2. Link the license to the licensor's organization in FOLIO. 
  3. Click Add core document to attach the license stored in Box. 
    1. Name = the name of the provider folder
    2. URL = the link to the provider folder in Box
  4. Add terms.
    • The terms that are present in the license record are the ones we consider most relevant to CUL.
    • If the visibility is set to Public, they will display in the catalog. 
    • "Is secure electronic ILL permitted?" – This is the information the ILL department wants to know. If, for example, only print ILL is permitted, select No. You can make a note in the Public note field indicating print only. Also use the public note field to indicate if ILL is permitted in the US only, etc. 
    • If you leave the value as "Not set" or blank, the term won't display in the catalog. You don't need to complete all of the term fields.
    • If you wish to add a term that doesn't automatically display in the license record, click Add term and select it from the Name dropdown menu. 

Step 4: add the agreement to FOLIO

  1. Under the Agreements app, create a new agreement. 
    1. Name: our agreements are frequently named (name of provider) - (name of acquired material). Alternatively, they are broken down by:
      1. ebooks - subscribed/perpetual
      2. journals - subscribed/perpetual
      3. databases
    2. The description field can contain information useful to the agreement, like a NERF#.
  2. Link to the license you previously created by clicking Add license. 
  3. Link to the provider organization. 
  4. Optional: under Add supplementary document, link to the provider folder in Box. 

Step 5: link the agreement to the eHoldings record

  • This step will most likely be done by the person who selects the package or title in eHoldings, but we do want to be sure items selected in eHoldings are linked to agreements.
  • When items from eHoldings are linked to an agreement, they appear asAgreement lines within the agreement record. 

  • We generally link at the package-level (as opposed to the title-level) in eHoldings. 
  1. You can link an eHoldings item to an agreement from within the Agreements app by following these instructions, "Add agreement line with eHoldings resource." 
  2. Or you can locate the package or title in the eHoldings app and attach the agreement from there by following these instructions
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