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Version 1

Contact:   Pam Stansbury

Date last updated: 7/13/2022

 Scope: The Oversize chart shows the book dimensions that each library defines as too large for their conventional shelving areas.  These books are shelved in a separate area with more space, and the call numbers on cataloged oversize materials will denote this status.  Some locations may have different levels of Oversize, depending on size increments (e.g. single "+" for the smallest oversize books, all the way to triple "+" for the largest), and some locations lack oversize designations altogether.  The below chart and examples show the Oversize definitions for each library location, as well as the instructions for entering the information both in FOLIO, and in the written call number in the piece in-hand.


  • Sizes falling between numbers should always be rounded up to the higher number.
  • Oversize designations refer to the width as well as the height of an item.  **Important! Items for Olin/Uris/Asia stacks which are wider than 20 cm. require an oversize designation.** See also note 8
  • Undersize items (less than 12 cm.) will be put in a contour case.   See note 5       

EXAMPLE of an Oversize designation in FOLIO: a common Oversize scenario is shown below as an example: book is between 26 and 30 cm. tall, and is for the Echols collection.  Using the chart, we add "Oversize" to the Call number prefix field, and a single plus sign (+) to the Call number suffix field:

Oversize Chart:

Holdings Permanent Location
Location Code
SizeCall number Prefix
Call Number Suffix
On spine

(Click to see example)

 Africanaafrn/anonenone AFR    
 Annex sublocations---,anxn/an/an/a[Main location]
 Conservationconsn/anonenone CONS
 Echols   note 2    ech

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 Echols Rareech,rare

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 45 cm.

46+ cm.

Asia Rare




 Fine Artsfine

34 to 40 cm.

41+ cm.



none   FINE

30 to 38 cm.

39+ cm.




 History of Sciencermc,hsci

up to 16 cm.

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 45 cm.

46+ cm.

History of Science





  [$k location]
 Hotelhoten/anonenone   ILR 
 Icelandic (A-P)olin

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 Icelandic (Q-Z)uris

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 ILRilrn/anonenone   ILR
 JGSMjgsmn/anonenone ILR
 Kroch Rare & Mssrmc

up to 16 cm.

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 45 cm.

46+ cm.

Rare Books





  [$k location]
 Lawlaw31+ cm.+none   LAW

31-51 cm.

52+ cm.





26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 Maps (call #s G3180-9980)   note 4mapsDetermined by Maps Dept. staffOversizenonen/a
 Mathematicsmathnote 1n/an/a MATH
 Music (call #s M)mus24 to 37 cm.none+   note3       MUSIC
 Music (call #s M)mus38+ cm. noneFolio MUSIC
 Music (call #s A-L;ML-Z)mus24-35 cm.nonenone MUSIC
 Music (call #s A-L;ML-Z)mus36+ cm.noneFolio   MUSIC

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 Ornithologyorni31+ cm.Oversize


 South Asia   note 2 sasa

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 South Asia Raresasa,rare

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 45 cm.

46+ cm.

Asia Rare




 Uris   note 2     uris

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





31 to 40 cm.

41+ cm.




 Wason     note 2 was

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 49 cm.

50+ cm.





 Wason Rarewas,rare

26 to 30 cm.

31 to 45 cm.

46+ cm.

Asia Rare





  General Notes:

1. Do not designate as oversize. Unit makes its own oversize decisions on a case-by-case basis.

2. O/K/U sublocations which use oversize symbols, such as ref:  Apply the same oversize designations as for other materials for those locations, i.e. both Prefix: Oversize and Suffix: +, ++, +++, as appropriate. See examples  in Olin section. Do not use oversize symbols for Newpapers or items in LTS reference collection.

3. Music Library: In the event of two $m entries, the + should be in the first $m.

4. Olin maps: Maps Dept. staff make decisions on a case-by-case basis. Include designation in call number as indicated on map and pre-cataloging worksheet.

5. Conservation staff will create a contour case for undersize or "tiny" items (less than 12 cm. in height) for O/K/U. Whether they are hardcover or paperback, catalogers should place them on the softcover truck with a note on flyer to create contour case.

6. Items designated as +++ for Olin, Uris and Kroch Asia, will be housed in the Annex, with locs: olin,anx ; uris, anx ; ech,anx ; sasa,anx ; was,anx.

7. Items classed in G ++ for Olin will be housed in the Annex: olin,anx.

8. Items for Olin/Uris/Asia stacks which are wider than 20 cm. require an oversize designation. This pertains in particular to juvenile books that are often as wide as they are high. Library "regular-size" shelves will handle no more than 20 cm. in width.

  • No labels