Sidney Lok's Individual Contribution Page
Spring 2017 Contributions
This semester, I am serving the Research Adviser for the Sensor Development sub team and as a team member for the 1L/s Plant Testing sub team. We are currently working on fabricating our small-scale water treatment plant and getting ready for experimentation. We will be designing, fabricating, and testing a tapered flocculator system and determining if adding a rapid mix channel will improve the performance of the plant. These results will be crucial to any future changes made to the current design of the 1 L/s plant implemented in Cuatro Communidades in Honduras.
Fall 2016 Contributions
During the Fall 2016 semester, I was on the Sensor Development sub team. I worked with my team members to further develop the current pressure measurement system and designing and built a fluidized bed solids concentration sensor. We efficiently utilized ProCoDa in order to automate the pressure measurement system and designed and built biogas measurement systems for the wastewater teams. Afterwards, we worked with our workshop mentor Paul to design and fabricate an original fluidized bed concentrations sensor and calibrated the sensor in ProCoDa for the Anaerobic Fluidized Bed team. This sensor can be applied to other teams in the future with the correct calibration.
Spring 2016 Contributions
Fall 2015 Contributions
In Fall 2015, I worked with the Foam Filter Cleaning sub team to build a new testing apparatus, design a new testing method, and optimize filter cleaning efficiency for foam filter plants. We worked to experiment with cleaning velocities and optimize foam filtration performance so that foam filter plants can be more widely used in small communities and clean drinking water can be more easily readily available to people without access to it.