LW crew coach Chris Kerber, replied back, referred us to Kleshnev's article (see below), and asked for specifics on what we wanted. I replied back, writing that graphs that describe the force profile over the course of the power stroke are great, and I asked to see some similar data from the Cornell crew.

Read publications on rowing and erging:

1. Modelling the Rowing Stroke in Racing Shells
Maurice N. Brearley, Neville J. de Mestre and Donald R. Watson
The Mathematical Gazette , Vol. 82, No. 495 (Nov., 1998), pp. 389-404
Published by: The Mathematical Association
Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3619885

  • The water drag force Unable to find DVI conversion log file., where Unable to find DVI conversion log file. is the velocity of the racing scull, and Unable to find DVI conversion log file. are constants that can be obtained through regression analysis from rowing data. 

2. Kleshnev, Valery. "Rowing Biomechanics." BioRow. N.p., 2006. Web. 7 June 2013. <http://biorow.org/publ/2006_rowing_biomechanics/1-1-0-20>.

  • This article covers the difference between boat types, rowing efficiency, common rigging set-up dimensions, accelerations/forces on the boat/rower over the course of a stroke, and rowing techinques. It's a snappy technical overview of rowing.
  • There are four major categories of rowing styles, each defined by whether they emphasize the trunk or the legs, and if the trunks and legs extend simultaneously or consequently.
  • "A force curve with a peak increases blade slippage and decreases efficiency. Conversely, a rectangular shape of the force curve affects efficiency positively." - page 7