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What do you need to dowant to accomplish using computing technologies? We are here to help your research group achieve your goals.

See also

Computer-specific service support

Computers managed by Chemistry IT exhibit certain attributes.

These attributes represent the minimum configurations required to:

  • Be placed on a Chemistry IT "trusted" network.


Chemistry IT has staff with extensive knowledge in computer operating systems, hardware, software, interfacing, and more.

Table of Contents


Levels of service for research groups

Support LevelWhich groups get this supportNotes
Baseline servicesProvided to all Chemistry research groups.

An explicit opt-out process, applying to the entire group.

  • Not done for an individual person or compute within a group.
Full supportProvided to Chemistry research groups which are billed monthly.Default services level
Special requestProvided to Chemistry research groups requiring additional services.

$20/hour for Full support groups

$40/hour for Baseline support-only groups

General Computing Support, by Level of Service

  • There are alternative connectivity options.
  • Receive the standard service level support from Chemistry IT.

Chemistry IT is often able to provide exceptions to specific attributes to meet a group's functional requirements on a case-by-case basis. Please let us know what you require and together we can determine if the computer can be set up and maintained by Chemistry IT or if a specific system or set of systems are best managed by the group or using other support options.

Summary of attributes associated with systems supported by Chemistry IT.

  • Manufacturer-supported operating system (OS).
    • As of today, Microsoft Windows 7 or higher, Mac OSX 10.10 and higher, CentOS 6.x and higher.
  • Standardized computer name.
  • Computer is on a "trusted" Chemistry IT network at Cornell.
  • Computer has software and configurations which can automatically restart a system following automatic software patching.
  • Computer can be accessed remotely by Chemistry IT staff, and thus modified remotely.
  • Computer has software which provides Chemistry IT information on configuration and software, via a centralized reporting system.
  • Computer has software which can scan the system to alert user of the presence of confidential information, via a centralized reporting system.
  • Users must run as non-administrators.
  • Administrator accounts are available on PI's request for anyone in the group.
    • Admin accounts may not be used to install malware or illegally licensed software, turn on sharing, add new users, increasing another account's privileges, or for regularly running as Admin.

Chart elaborating on select attributes

Standard configuration's attributeReason for attributeInstances when attribute is a problemOptions
System is on a trusted, secured network.

Enables more trusted access to network services and protects systems on a shared network by preventing initiation of off-network access.

Facilitates inventory management.

Systems which have server-like functions, such as web servers, ssh servers, file servers, etc.

Provision service elsewhere, such as CUBlogs, CIT file shares (SFS), managed servers, etc.

Move machine off trusted network and instead use eduroam, AccessNet, or RedNet.

System is automatically restarted when required by OS and application updates managed by vendor, CIT, A&S IT, or Chemistry IT.Some updates, particularly Windows monthly MS patching, require restarts to complete.Systems in the middle of data collection or computational processes.Spectrum of restart options, informed by risks, needs, technological capabilities, and human factors. Includes regular, manual-only updates and restarts.
System has a fixed, standardized name.This requirement stems from CIT managing a university-wide service (Active Directory), and does not come from Chemistry IT.A vendor-provided computer may not permit a change in its name. 
Characteristic or limitationWhy it existsConsequence to groupWhy this might matter to you
Computer is in Active Directory

Enables accounts using NetID credentials and use of other AD accounts auto-magically. This reduces local password management and recovery.

Is required or makes more efficient use of other management tools, below.

Facilitates inventory via a central and automatic collection of OS and other information.

Each computer hasA vendor-provided computer may not permit a change in its name.
Computer has system management software and associated configurations.Installed system management software makes inventory information available to Chemistry IT staff via centralized tools.

Hopefully nonce since passive and does not collect any data within files.

Software not legally licensed may be detected.

Out-of-date and/ or insecure software may be detected.

Computer has scanning software to identify sensitive data such as social security numbers.To help users of computers comply with university expectations that certain types of private information of others do not reside on their computers.Algorithmically interprets data within files to guide user towards suspected personal information for them to consider removing. 
Computer has scanning software to scan for malware.Malware detection is reported to Chemistry IT staff via centralized tools.  
Computer is configured to

Base-line support

for all groups in Chemistry

Full support

for groups billed monthly

Special Request considerations

Hourly, fee-based service

Install new department computers (Windows, Macintosh, Linux (CentOS)),   







  • systems & maintain Install new department computers (Windows, Macintosh, Linux-1000 systems)
  • Operating system and application installation
  • Hardware repairs, warranty service coordination
  • Secure disposal & recycling of computing equipment.
  • Configure & help with email
  • Backup – consult & arrange where needed.
  • Troubleshooting, Diagnostics
  • User assistance


  • Application consultation
  • Software vendor negotiations, purchase, campus and other license management
  • Installation, updates, troubleshooting


  • Printer specification, purchase, setup, networking and configuration
  • Toner & ink supplies (Stock standard supplies, purchase others)

Mobile computing

  • Recommend & purchase department phones, tablets, phone services
  • Consult on personal mobile solutions

IT Purchasing

  • Computers, clusters, printers, accessories, software for department and research needs
  • Consult on specifications, quality, service, best pricing, warranty options, and University purchasing policies.
  • Identify recommended products special deals from Cornell approved vendors.
  • Process orders through University Purchasing systems.

Research Computing

  • Group file sharing needs- Local and CIT Servers, cloud services, etc.
  • Create and maintain Research clusters, High Performance Computing
  • Linux OS consulting, configuration, management
  • Instrumentation and Group computers
  • Recommend other on campus or off campus resources where appropriate.

Telecommunications – Phone & Network

  • Orders and service for phones and network connections
  • Phones feature requests – Audix, call groups, number changes etc.
  • Maintain department networks, machine registrations, firewalls

Computer Accounts

  • Manage User Accounts
  • Create & maintain special administrator accounts
  • access authorization to group and department resources
  • assistance with Cornell NetID and other Cornell accounts

IT Security

  • Manage security of department IT resources – computers, file shares, networks, etc.
  • Keep up-to-date on IT issues & policies
  • Antivirus installation, management, scanning
  • Malware remediation – help find, and remove malware (when possible). Reconstruct systems
  • Advise on security settings / implementation

Web management

General Consulting

Levels of service for research groups

All Chemistry research groups are provided baseline services.

Support Level

Which groups get this support

Support summary


General consultation
All Chemistry research groups.

30 minutes consultation and assistance per issue.

Chemistry IT staff welcome learning of your needs and working with your group to determine how we can best assist.
Standard support

Default service level within Chemistry.

Extended consultation, needs elicitation, and crafting options.

All systems are managed following Chemistry IT standards.

  • Group may opt-out specific systems if Chemistry IT's standards will not work for a system.

Special requests are fee-based.

Monthly billing is based on the group's number of computers and members.

  • Although Standard support groups me opt-out specific systems, doing so does not change their billing.
Opt-out supportGroups who have requested Opt-out support.

General consultation only.

Special requests are fee-based.

No monthly billing based on group's computers or members.

Group has no systems managed by Chemistry IT.

Special requests

Provided to Chemistry research groups requiring additional services.

  • Hourly rates for work beyond Standard support for opt-in systems, or any work for opt-out systems.
Subsidized fee-based services.

$20/hour for Standard support groups.

$40/hour for Opt-out systems and Opt-out groups.

Chemistry IT provides efficient system configuration and maintenance services

The majority of research systems have been provisioned by Chemistry IT to provide the required functionality, cost-effectively.

Gliffy Diagram
nameIT Support, graphically

