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Heather Reed
Ben Jones
Josiah Pothen
Jeffrey Katz
Taisuk Kim
Chris DeFeo
Lindsey Sidrane
Andrew Sargent
Maysoon Sharif
Nanditha Ramachandran

Summer 2009 Goals

Goals in red have not been started
Goals in orange are underway
Goals in green have been completed

Ecuador Design Report

Heather & Jeff - Design sent 6/12/09


There are many components of the water treatment plant that have not yet been fully designed. Develop a systematic approach to designing and drawing the additional components. We also need to develop methods for the inevitable transitions in design for components that don't scale smoothly. Examples of noncontinuous scaling include the transition from linear to nonlinear chemical dose controllers and the sedimentation tank inlet channel that that becomes so deep that it extends into the inlet manifold space.

Sedimenation Tank

Flocculation and Sedimentation Plant Flow Dump System

The pipe weirs at the end of the sedimentation tank entrance and exit channels need to be connected to the plant drain channel. The connection could either be with a pipe or with an open channel

Drain Channel

The drain channel runs along the flocculation and sedimentation tanks at the end of the sed tank that contains the inlet channel. The drain channel should have a slope toward the sedimentation tank end and should be designed to handle the flow that would be generated from opening all of the drain valves for the floc and sed tanks.

Sedimentation tank exit channel

Josiah, Taisuk, Jeff - Completed 6/24/09

The sedimentation tank exit channel is currently a replicate of the entrance channel. The entrance channel size is based on the constraint of not breaking up flocs. This constraint causes the exit channel to be much larger than is necessary. The exit channel should be designed based on the constraint that the head loss in the open channel must be very small compared with the head loss in the launder orifices. This constraint ensures that the flow is uniformly distributed between sedimentation tank bays. The most sophisticated solution algorithm could use the direct step method and incorporate the changing flow through the channel. A simpler solution that would be conservative would be a simple friction slope calculation using the Darcy Weisbach equation adopted for flow in a rectangular channel. The friction slope times the length of the channel can be compared with the head loss in the orifices.

Completed 6/24. Assumed the head loss in the channel was 20 times smaller than the head loss in the launder, which we then converted into a ratio of the flow of the sedimentation tanks (added variable PI.QSedTanks to naming guide). The code assumes the channel is square and starts with the width equal to the inlet channel width, then iterates to find the smallest width that fulfills the head loss requirement. The larger of either a W.ExitChannelMin or the returned value from the iteration is returned. A W.ExitChannelMin is needed to ensure that the tank is large enough for a person to put their hand in the channel to cap the launders. We assumed this minimum width to be .0254 m (10"). Need to add W.ExitChannelMin to Variable Naming Guide and need to document the code. A derivation of PI.QSedTanks from the head loss equation written in MathType was included in the documentation.

Floc Hopper design

Ben, Chris


- Est. Completion Date 6/30/09

The floc hopper fits nicely under the sed tank entrance channel for small plants, but for larger plants that space is reduced since the entrance channel is larger. We need a design for the floc hopper that accounts for the changing geometry of the entrance channel. The floc hopper also needs MtA code.

Floc hopper in cuatro communidades

Floc hopper drain valves

Sedimentation tank drain valves

Currently no valves are shown on the CAD drawings. The size of the valves is specified or could easily be specified, but no MtA code exists. We should determine the best way to add realistic drawings of these valves. It is possible that we could obtain a library of these valves so that we wouldn't have to create the AutoCAD drawings, but could simply copy them and possibly scale them. Also note that all of the flocculator and sed tank drain valves are to empty into a drain channel along the sed inlet end of the tanks.

Flocculator, Entrance Tank and Rapid Mix

Ports between flocculator channels

May, Lindsey


- Completed 6/18/09

After consulting with engineer Wil Serrano, the ports between the flocculator channel need to be switched from the bottom of the tank to the top. From a structural perspective it is much better to be able to tie the walls together at the top of the wall.

Baffle Spacing and Exit Port
May, Lindsey--7/8/09 tentative

Adding the port that connects the floc tank to the sed tank and arranging the baffles to align with this exit.

Flocculator drain system

Josiah, Taisuk, Jeff - Est. Completion Date 7/12/09

The flocculator drainage system needs to be designed now that we are using ferrocement baffles for larger plants. The two options for draining the flocculator were to


Of these options the 2nd one is preferable because the valves will be accessible whereas the check valves would be an inaccessible mechanical component that could easily fail. The flocculator drain system will involve adding either buried PVC pipes or constructing an underdrain false floor in the flocculator with channels connecting each compartment to a drain valve.

Rapid mix components

Requires review and possible upgrade to the first draft of the rapid mix design and then coding of the MathCAD to AutoCAD (MtA) code.

Turbulent Flow (nonlinear) Chemical Dose Controller

This code needs to be heavily edited and brought into compliance with the variable naming protocol.

Entrance tank


A first draft of this code has been created, but it has not yet been reviewed.


Chemical storage tanks

These tanks need to be drawn. These may be an item that the onsite civil engineer will relocate to fit site conditions, but the design tool should show them at the correct elevation and in a reasonable location.

Materials List

Andrew, Nanditha - Est Completion Date 6/30/09

Discuss the outputs of the current materials list with the AguaClara team in Honduras and determine what additional parameters should be returned to the user.
