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As soon as you and Monroe finalize teams send each team an email and encourage everyone on that team to start reviewing their wiki space. If you can schedule it into the syllabus, immediately host a Team Meeting lecture, which is where you tell everyone its required class as usual, except you only talk for five minutes and then have everyone split into their teams and start introducing themselves. Tell them to pick a weekly meeting time right then and there, and make sure they know that every team is required to meet in person at least once per week and turn in detailed meeting minutes of their weekly activities. Have the team members exchange phone numbers.

Subteam Leaders

When forming teams, it is important to look at continuity between semesters and information transfer. There is a list of subteam leader expectations that should be gone over with the subteam leaders at a meeting (not an email) once the teams are established (at most a week later). It is important to establish an open communication between them and make it clear that while expectations are laid out, they change over time and suggestions are welcomed. It is very important to layout their deadlines and make sure they understand it us their responsibility to be checking them. While we may not expect that from the average student, a subteam leader is expected to do so.

Wiki Access

Give all new team members wiki access. To do this follow the instructions given below

SourceForge Access

Server Access

Email Cameron Willkens with a class roster (first and last name and netid) asking to give them access to the serverGive new team members access to their respective SourceForge folders. To do this follow these instructions. The design team is the only team that actively uses this system, but there are some old documents in the Outreach folder that have been useful, so show that folder to the Outreach team.

Getting Teams Going

It is very hard for teams to digest their task and start working immediately. You will want to encourage them to really take the time to understand their challenges and form them into semester goals. Also encourage the teams to talk with you and/or Monroe about the theoretical points they don't totally understand. This really sets the tone for the rest of the semester.
