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  • Access policies:
      • Spreadsheet with access policies: 
      • Public
        • Develop online page on VR page
        • List Cornell Collections with access policies
        • Non-Cornell with licensed access policies
        • Explain different policies for download vs. view
      • Staff
        • Develop a spreadsheet for VR group internally
        • Add to Registry, collection by collection
      • Action plan:
        • Mira/ Danielle/ Susette meet to develop permissions spreadsheet- put on wiki -ongoing work, complete before meeting with Peter
          • thorough review of access, download
          • Danielle will contact collection owners about downloads
          • after refined meet with Peter to make sure we're on the same page with consistent access among collection types (licensed, Cornell)
          • develop public access page
        • Liz will modify Registry info with permissions
          • updates to content give to Liz
          • access rights in Registry
          • DRC reviewing descriptions in ERM
          • CIDC website? Mira will forward her information to VRWG
        • Danielle & Susette will develop language for VR Luna page
        • Liz will load new language in Drupal
      • Database listing not up-to-date-missing KVRC and terms of use very vague.  Liz Update
  • Form testing sub-group
    • Volunteers needed!
    • Agenda item for next meeting
  • Outreach to other Librarians
    • CUL website/gateway-- Danielle will report on plans from DSS
      • push up VR on library web site --Faculty Services; broader page for DSS which will include link to VR services
    • Faculty grants 
    • Selectors -add collections (licensed or otherwise); faculty outreach- workshops, consultations, grants, digitization services, etc
      • get on CDexec/All Selectors agenda to encourage selectors to consider image collections; available for consulting -Susette will contact Kizer
      • Training for selectors -Martha on Continuing Education 
    • Reference & Outreach presentation next Spring
  • ARTstor - DM will report on updates
    • we won't adopt Shared Shelf until summer depending if certain issues resolved (Luna, Pictor, access); in the meantime available as a cataloging tool
    • Open Shelf -simple version summer 2011 -partner to develop workflows
    • submitted collections to ARTstor general -Isbel, etc. - if we need to update them, we can't - we need to ensure that we can get to them to update and modify
    • still questions about full-scale adoption of ARTstor -Cornell is pushing the envelope since we want admin control for our collections
    • Danielle on Science subcommittee of ARTstor, rep from Weill
    • questions about existing data and cleanup in KVRC
  • AAP- DM will report on developments
    • decisions about slides collection
  • ARTstor won't host Archivision beyond 2012
    • should we push back? is it being used?
    • revisit at a later meeting
  • Luna migration
    • lingering issues?

Minutes sent out to CU-LIB:

  • We welcomed Mann representative, Linda Stewart.
  • We discussed a myriad of access issues and policies with licensed and Cornell image collections available through Luna. Our goal is to develop a consistent access framework.
    • Conduct a thorough review of access, download abilities and create spreadsheet for internal uses
    • Revise access levels to be consistent across similar types of collections.
    • Create a page for the public explaining different policies for downloading and viewing images in Cornell and non-Cornell licensed collections.
    • Update Registry information with permissions.
  • We will form a Testing Subgroup to keep tabs with access to our various collections. We will ask for volunteers at the next meeting.
  • We discussed outreach to library and other units on campus.
    • Increase the visibility of visual resources information on the library web site.
    • Raise awareness among colleagues about visual resources services.
    • Meet with CDExec or another library selectors group.
    • Present at a Spring Reference & Outreach Forum.
    • Meet with other units like CIT.
  • Danielle summarized recent ARTstor developments.
    • We won't adopt Shared Shelf until summer depending on whether certain issues are resolved (Luna, Pictor, open access); in the meantime it will be available as a cataloging tool.
    • Open Shelf (simple version) is slated for summer 2011; ARTstor is looking for partners to develop workflows.
    • For collections that we submit to ARTstor, we need to ensure that we can update and modify the content. 
    • There remain questions about full-scale adoption of ARTstor. Cornell is pushing the envelope since we want administrative control of our collections.
    • Danielle and a representative from Weill are on ARTstor's Science subcommittee to consider issues with adding scientific images.
    • KVRC requires cleanup of existing data.
    • ARTstor won't host the collection Archivision beyond 2012. Is this a resource that is being used and should we push back? We will revisit this at a later meeting.


Sept. 2010


  • Develop spreadsheet with Luna collections/ access policies
      • Public
        • Develop online page on VR page
        • List Cornell Collections with access policies
        • Non-Cornell with licensed access policies
        • Explain different policies for download vs. view
      • Staff
        • Develop a spreadsheet for VR group internally
        • Add to Registry, collection by collection
      • Action plan:
        • Mira/ Danielle/ Susette meet to develop permissions spreadsheet- put on wiki
        • Liz will modify Registry info with permissions
        • Danielle & Susette will develop language for VR Luna page
        • Liz will load new language in Drupal
        • Database listing not up-to-date-missing KVRC and terms of use very vague.  can we pull info from registry? (once that is up to date?) eliminate pop-up-blocker info- contact Chandler.
  • Form testing sub-group
    • Form checklist for Artstor & Luna
      • Browsers
      • OS
      • Permissions/ logins
      • metadata & image integrity
      • on-campus/ off campus
      • (look at user complaints)
    • Mira/ Danielle form spreadsheet based on responsibility - add people (volunteers) at next VRWG meeting
  • Outreach to other Librarians
    • better promotion
    • CUL website
    • Selectors -add collections (licensed or otherwise); faculty outreach- workshops, consultations, grants, digitization services, etc (DM send copy of email sent to faculty re: grants)
    • Better visibility off Gateway -- under services page
  • Mann rep-- Keith or Camille
  • ARTstor - outline who does what (Martha statistics; Danielle & Liz) - report to group development, define responsibilities, outline release/ CUL adoption strategy), DM set meeting with Dean to discuss
  • Archivision- is it used? we need usage statistic- martha?  mira will follow up with luna re: luna commons (need documentation from Martha)
  • Luna migration
    • problem with viewing SIDS images via Client side (HFJ staff)


Webfeat transition feedback Transition Feedback|../../../../../../../../../display/VRWG/WebFeat+Transition+Feedback||\

We need to determine strategies for various scenarios, including the possibility of Webfeat going away without a replacement.  This is seeming


We will provide feedback to the transition team by April 15th:|../../../../../../../../../display/VRWG/WebFeat+Transition+Feedback|\

We agreed that we want image resources to continue to maintain a primary space on the library's discovery system.


  • Updates
    • ALA report-ACRL group.  Good feedback- brief overview of services.  VR webpage... University of Miami presentation. MIT presentation on Sahara-- ARTStor initiative of architectural history.  Questions regarding discovery of images-- looking at Summon- serial solution product (Oya forming group to review).  Access #1 issue people are dealing with. 
    • Upcoming conferences
      VRA conference in March-- Atlanta--Liz
      Architectual Librarians Conference-- Martha
      ARLIS - Susette, Kaila, and Maaike (Boston)-- Workshop on Instructional Support
      American Association of Museums (LA)-- HFJ participation?
      Museum in the Web (question)
      DLF (question)
    • ARTstor presentation planning-- Glen -- mid to late February
    • AAP Accreditation -- ?? When (DM will check & get back to the group)
    • New members- welcome Rick & Shane
  • Projects
    • Maps Project complete- publicity?-
      Catalog -- NERF form-- LIZ
      Publicity- Boris
      Meeting for future of project-- Danielle/MIra/Boris/Liz (DM will set)
    • Upcoming project- Dante materials-- Liz will meet with Patrick
    • ARStor migration --Meeting with Liz & Mira (Liz currently working on mapping of first four projects)
    • Correcting collection metadata in ARTStor & Luna -- Susette will send corrections to Danielle  & Liz (investigate direct link in ARTstor.)
    • Compare metrics for AD White (statistics from three delivery mechanisms)
    • CUL Homepage Images--
      • Selection & copyright issues
      • We need to establish workflow for selecting images for use in webpages (policy establishment)
      • Subgroup:  Susette will talk to web committee regarding collection source (HFJ or no); Boris; possibly Matt; Eli
    • Flickr
