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December 16, 2010

11 am in Olin 106

In attendance: Kaila Bussert, Liz Muller, Camille Andrews (guest), Susette Newberry, Barb Morley, Boris Michev, Maaike Oldemanns, Martha Walker, Mira Basara


  • A small working group was formed to work on Luna Access policies (Danielle, Mira, Kaila, Susette, Matt, Eli, and Peter Hirtle as guest).
    • We are currently reviewing all collections in Luna with the goal of expanding access consistently across collections and user groups.
    • We will write and post usage statements -general/collection-wide, collection-specific, and image-specific
  • We agreed to consolidate listservs. We'll eliminate and use only
    • Changes will need to be made on Luna (Mira), Visual Resources page (Kaila), and libguides (Kaila, Susette, Maaike, Martha).
  • New beta version of Shared Shelf will be released Jan. 15. (Liz)
    • There will be three test collections for the cataloging tool (Japanese woodblocks, Uris Art, and Asia rare). Other test collections can be added in the Spring.
    • Liz will give a demo in January or February.
    • The Metadata Working Group is planning on a forum in March or April. VRWG would like to co-sponsor the forum.
  • Luna upgrade to 6.3 and migration to new server next week
    • Mira will ask for volunteers to test access



October 2010


Mann rep-- welcome Linda Stewart!

  • Access policies:
      • Spreadsheet with access policies: 
      • Public
        • Develop online page on VR page
        • List Cornell Collections with access policies
        • Non-Cornell with licensed access policies
        • Explain different policies for download vs. view
      • Staff
        • Develop a spreadsheet for VR group internally
        • Add to Registry, collection by collection
      • Action plan:
        • Mira/ Danielle/ Susette meet to develop permissions spreadsheet- put on wiki -ongoing work, complete before meeting with Peter
          • thorough review of access, download
          • Danielle will contact collection owners about downloads
          • after refined meet with Peter to make sure we're on the same page with consistent access among collection types (licensed, Cornell)
          • develop public access page
        • Liz will modify Registry info with permissions
          • updates to content give to Liz
          • access rights in Registry
          • DRC reviewing descriptions in ERM
          • CIDC website? Mira will forward her information to VRWG
        • Danielle & Susette will develop language for VR Luna page
        • Liz will load new language in Drupal
      • Database listing not up-to-date-missing KVRC and terms of use very vague.  Liz Update
  • Form testing sub-group
    • Volunteers needed!
    • Agenda item for next meeting
  • Outreach to other Librarians
    • CUL website/gateway-- Danielle will report on plans from DSS
      • push up VR on library web site --Faculty Services; broader page for DSS which will include link to VR services
    • Faculty grants 
    • Selectors -add collections (licensed or otherwise); faculty outreach- workshops, consultations, grants, digitization services, etc
      • get on CDexec/All Selectors agenda to encourage selectors to consider image collections; available for consulting -Susette will contact Kizer
      • Training for selectors -Martha on Continuing Education 
    • Reference & Outreach presentation next Spring
  • ARTstor - DM will report on updates
    • we won't adopt Shared Shelf until summer depending if certain issues resolved (Luna, Pictor, access); in the meantime available as a cataloging tool
    • Open Shelf -simple version summer 2011 -partner to develop workflows
    • submitted collections to ARTstor general -Isbel, etc. - if we need to update them, we can't - we need to ensure that we can get to them to update and modify
    • still questions about full-scale adoption of ARTstor -Cornell is pushing the envelope since we want admin control for our collections
    • Danielle on Science subcommittee of ARTstor, rep from Weill
    • questions about existing data and cleanup in KVRC
  • AAP- DM will report on developments
    • decisions about slides collection
  • ARTstor won't host Archivision beyond 2012
    • should we push back? is it being used?
    • revisit at a later meeting
  • Luna migration
    • lingering issues?


Sept. 2010


Minutes sent out to CU-LIB:

  • We welcomed Mann representative, Linda Stewart.
  • We discussed a myriad of access issues and policies with licensed and Cornell image collections available through Luna. Our goal is to develop a consistent access framework.
    • Conduct a thorough review of access, download abilities and create spreadsheet for internal uses
    • Revise access levels to be consistent across similar types of collections.
    • Create a page for the public explaining different policies for downloading and viewing images in Cornell and non-Cornell licensed collections.
    • Update Registry information with permissions.
  • We will form a Testing Subgroup to keep tabs with access to our various collections. We will ask for volunteers at the next meeting.
  • We discussed outreach to library and other units on campus.
    • Increase the visibility of visual resources information on the library web site.
    • Raise awareness among colleagues about visual resources services.
    • Meet with CDExec or another library selectors group.
    • Present at a Spring Reference & Outreach Forum.
    • Meet with other units like CIT.
  • Danielle summarized recent ARTstor developments.
    • We won't adopt Shared Shelf until summer depending on whether certain issues are resolved (Luna, Pictor, open access); in the meantime it will be available as a cataloging tool.
    • Open Shelf (simple version) is slated for summer 2011; ARTstor is looking for partners to develop workflows.
    • For collections that we submit to ARTstor, we need to ensure that we can update and modify the content. 
    • There remain questions about full-scale adoption of ARTstor. Cornell is pushing the envelope since we want administrative control of our collections.
    • Danielle and a representative from Weill are on ARTstor's Science subcommittee to consider issues with adding scientific images.
    • KVRC requires cleanup of existing data.
    • ARTstor won't host the collection Archivision beyond 2012. Is this a resource that is being used and should we push back? We will revisit this at a later meeting.


Sept. 2010


  • Develop spreadsheet Develop spreadsheet with Luna collections/ access policies
      • Public
        • Develop online page on VR page
        • List Cornell Collections with access policies
        • Non-Cornell with licensed access policies
        • Explain different policies for download vs. view
      • Staff
        • Develop a spreadsheet for VR group internally
        • Add to Registry, collection by collection
      • Action plan:
        • Mira/ Danielle/ Susette meet to develop permissions spreadsheet- put on wiki
        • Liz will modify Registry info with permissions
        • Danielle & Susette will develop language for VR Luna page
        • Liz will load new language in Drupal
        • Database listing not up-to-date-missing KVRC and terms of use very vague.  can we pull info from registry? (once that is up to date?) eliminate pop-up-blocker info- contact Chandler.
  • Form testing sub-group
    • Form checklist for Artstor & Luna
      • Browsers
      • OS
      • Permissions/ logins
      • metadata & image integrity
      • on-campus/ off campus
      • (look at user complaints)
    • Mira/ Danielle form spreadsheet based on responsibility - add people (volunteers) at next VRWG meeting
  • Outreach to other Librarians
    • better promotion
    • CUL website
    • Selectors -add collections (licensed or otherwise); faculty outreach- workshops, consultations, grants, digitization services, etc (DM send copy of email sent to faculty re: grants)
    • Better visibility off Gateway -- under services page
  • Mann rep-- Keith or Camille
  • ARTstor - outline who does what (Martha statistics; Danielle & Liz) - report to group development, define responsibilities, outline release/ CUL adoption strategy), DM set meeting with Dean to discuss
  • Archivision- is it used? we need usage statistic- martha?  mira will follow up with luna re: luna commons (need documentation from Martha)
  • Luna migration
    • problem with viewing SIDS images via Client side (HFJ staff)



August 2010

  • ARTstor Shared Shelf Demo (Liz or Glen) -- 5-10 minutes to walk-thru the software and answer questions
  • Webfeat transition update (Kaila)
  • Fall Outreach
    • digital images booth at graduate student outreach event? ---September 21, 4:30-6 at Mann
  • Luna descriptions
  • HFJ Luna permissions



July 2010

June 30 2010 Agenda Items


  • A & S Faculty Grants Report - Danielle
  • Outreach for Fall Brainstorming


June 2010



  • Luna  (Mira)
    Production** move production from Lib24 to Lib36-- early August
    • Luna down for a day- notify Luna list-serv
    • Need volunteers to test after Lib36
    • Possibly upgrade contingent on Test Server successfully upgraded


  • VRA-ARLIS Conference- March-- paper? presentation?  July 1 deadline --
    • Legacy collections?  For example, the Lantern slides
    • Visual resources on campus
  • AAP survey & results (Martha)
  • Fall Outreach- brainstorming
  • Meeting frequency
  • Next forum?



March 2010

Agenda & Notes:

In attendance: Danielle Mericle, Kaila Bussert, Susette Newberry, Maaike Oldemans, Mira Basara, Barb Morley, Boris Michev 

Webfeat transition feedback Transition Feedback|../../../../../../../../../display/VRWG/WebFeat+Transition+FeedbackFeedback||\

We need to determine strategies for various scenarios, including the possibility of Webfeat going away without a replacement.  This is seeming


ARTStor Statistics (possibly)-- Danielle contacting ARTStor for statistics on use******************


February 2010


In attendance: Danielle Mericle, Kaila Bussert, Mira Basara, Matt Conway, Boris Michev, Barb Morley, Liz Muller, Maaike Oldemans, Meghan Reiff, Glen Wiley


We will provide feedback to the transition team by April 15th:|../../../../../../../../../display/VRWG/WebFeat+Transition+Feedback|\

We agreed that we want image resources to continue to maintain a primary space on the library's discovery system.


Demo of Luna upgrade  (note: HFJ annotations on production, not on test server)
Webfeat transition feedback*****************


January 2010

VRWG Agenda,  January 20, 2010

  • Updates
    • ALA report-ACRL group.  Good feedback- brief overview of services.  VR webpage... University of Miami presentation. MIT presentation on Sahara-- ARTStor initiative of architectural history.  Questions regarding discovery of images-- looking at Summon- serial solution product (Oya forming group to review).  Access #1 issue people are dealing with. 
    • Upcoming conferences
      VRA conference in March-- Atlanta--Liz
      Architectual Librarians Conference-- Martha
      ARLIS - Susette, Kaila, and Maaike (Boston)-- Workshop on Instructional Support
      American Association of Museums (LA)-- HFJ participation?
      Museum in the Web (question)
      DLF (question)
    • ARTstor presentation planning-- Glen -- mid to late February
    • AAP Accreditation -- ?? When (DM will check & get back to the group)
    • New members- welcome Rick & Shane
  • Projects
    • Maps Project complete- publicity?-
      Catalog -- NERF form-- LIZ
      Publicity- Boris
      Meeting for future of project-- Danielle/MIra/Boris/Liz (DM will set)
    • Upcoming project- Dante materials-- Liz will meet with Patrick
    • ARStor migration --Meeting with Liz & Mira (Liz currently working on mapping of first four projects)
    • Correcting collection metadata in ARTStor & Luna -- Susette will send corrections to Danielle  & Liz (investigate direct link in ARTstor.)
    • Compare metrics for AD White (statistics from three delivery mechanisms)
    • CUL Homepage Images--
      • Selection & copyright issues
      • We need to establish workflow for selecting images for use in webpages (policy establishment)
      • Subgroup:  Susette will talk to web committee regarding collection source (HFJ or no); Boris; possibly Matt; Eli
    • Flickr
