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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Input Definitions

  • origin is a 3,1 matrix with the x,y,z values of the center point of the outlet of the first sedimentation tank
  • width sed is the distance between the outlets of the sedimentation tanks or the width of the sedimentation tanks from the center line of the wall on either side of a tank
  • lvltank dim is a 3,1 matrix with the x,y,z dimensions of the tank
  • Δ x is the distance in the x direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the outside wall of the leveling tank
  • Δ y is the distance in the y direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the outside wall of the leveling tank
  • Δ z is the distance in the z direction in a top view from the outlet of the first sedimentation tank (or the origin of the first pipe) to the bottom wall of the platform
  • lvltank thick is the thickness of the walls of the leveling tank
  • thick platform is the thickness of the platform
  • R1 is the inner radius of the pipes leading to the leveling tank
  • R main is the inner radius of the effluent pipe
  • H main is the height of the effluent pipe (or the water level in the leveling tank)
  • n is the number of sedimentation tanks
  • disp is the displacement of the center of the pipes coming up into the leveling tanks from the inside wall of the tank


  • pipe2 origin, pipe3 origin, pipe4 origin, pipe5 origin, pipe6 origin, elbow1 origin, pipe7~origin~pipe7 origin, tank origin, main origin, origin, lvltank dim, Δx, Δy, Δz, tank thick, thick platform, width sed, R1, R main, H main, n, disp

Pseudo Inputs




















n - number of sedimentation tanks to be drawn by the program.


layer1 - Creates a 'lvlpipe' layer for all of the pipes (except the "main" pipe) in the program

Pipe1 - Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "origin". See Pipe Help for details on the pipe function.

Pipe1 Length = Δx + thick tank + offset - ElbowRadius

  • Pipe1 Length is not a variable, the values are inputed directly into the pipe function
  • offset is a function which divides the x dimension of the level tank by the number of sedimentation tanks, so as to evenly space the inlet pipes to the tank.
  • ElbowRadius is the radius of curvature of an elbow. In the script it is given as a function of the inner radius. This function is defined in the Pipe Database program

Rotate1 - Pipe 1 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so that from a top view it is oriented in the west to east direction


  • x: origin0 + R1
  • y: origin1
  • z: origin2

p2: origin

axis: "y"

ϕ: -90

Pipe2 - Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe2origin".

pipe2 origin =

  • x: x,origin - Pipe1 Length
  • y: y,origin + ElbowRadius
  • z: z,origin

Pipe2 Length = Δy - 2ElbowRadius + thick tank + disp

Rotate2 - Pipe 2 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so it is oriented north to south in top view


  • x: pipe2origin0 + R1
  • y: pipe2origin1
  • z: pipe2origin2

p2: pipe2origin

axis: "x"

ϕ: -90

Pipe3 -Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe3origin".

Pipe3 Length = Δx + thicktank + 2offset(lvltankdim0,n) - elbowRadius(2R1)

Rotate3 Pipe 3 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so that from a top view it is oriented in the west to east direction


  • x: pipe3origin0 + R1
  • y: pipe3origin1
  • z: pipe3origin2

p2: pipe3origin

axis: "y"

ϕ: -90

Pipe4 -Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe4origin".

Pipe4 Length = Δy + widthsed - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp

Rotate4 Pipe 4 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so that from a top view it is oriented in the west to east direction.


  • x: pipe4origin0 + R1
  • y: pipe4origin1
  • z: pipe4origin2

p2: pipe4origin

axis: "y"

ϕ: -90

Pipe5 -Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe5origin".

Pipe5 length: Δx + thicktank + 3offset(lvltankdim0,n) - ElbowRadius(2R1)

Rotate5 Pipe 5 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so that from a top view it is oriented in the west to east direction.


  • x: pipe5origin0 + R1
  • y: pipe5origin1
  • z: pipe5origin2

p2: pipe5origin

axis: "y"

ϕ: -90

Pipe6 -Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe6origin".

Pipe6 length: Δy + 2widethsed - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp

Rotate6 - Pipe 6 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so it is oriented north to south in top view

Pipe7 -Creates a pipe with a radius of R1 and an origin at the variable "pipe7origin".

Pipe7 length: Δz - ElbowRadius(2R1) + thickplatform

zoomwin1 - Zoomwincreates a close-up window by using two points to specify the window size the object is to be viewed in.

p1: tankorigin


  • x: tankorigin0 - lvltankdim0
  • y: tankorigin1 + lvltankdim1
  • z: tankorigin2

Copy5 - CopyCcreates a copy of the selected objects based on four chosen points.


  • x: pipe7origin0 + R1
  • y: pipe7origin1
  • z: pipe7origin2

p2: pipe7origin


  • x: -offset(lvltankdim0,n)
  • y: 0
  • z: 0


  • x: -2offset(lvltankdim0,n)
  • y: 0
  • z: 0

Pipe8 -Creates a pipe with a radius of Rmain and an origin at the variable "mainorigin".

Pipe8 length: Hmain + thickplatform + Δz

layer2 - Layerset select the layer "0"

layer3 - Layerfreeze is used to freeze the layer "lvlpipe."

layer4 - Layernew is used to create a new, green layer "lvlelbow."

Elbow1 - Calls the Elbow Program program to build an elbow with the origin elbow1origin and an inner radius, R1.

Rotate7 - Pipe 7 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so...


  • x: elbow1origin0
  • y: elbow1origin1 + ElbowRadius(2R1)
  • z: elbow1origin2


  • x: elbow1origin0
  • y: elbow1origin1 + ElbowRadius(2R1)
  • z: elbow1origin2

axis: "z"

ϕ: -180


Copy1 - CopyBcreates a copy of the selected objects based on three chosen points.

p1: pipe2origin

p2: pipe2origin

p3: pipe4origin

Copy2 - CopyBcreates a copy of the selected objects based on three chosen points.

p1: pipe2origin

p2: pipe2origin

p3: pipe6origin

Copy3 - CopyBcreates a copy of the selected objects based on three chosen points.

p1: pipe2origin

p2: pipe2origin

p3: pipe11

Rotate8 - Pipe 2 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so it is oriented north to south in top view


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp)
  • z: pipe2origin2


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp)
  • z: pipe2origin2

axis: "x"

ϕ: \180

Rotate9 - Pipe 2 is rotated using the Rotate3d function so that from a top view it is oriented in the west to east direction.


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp
  • z: pipe2origin2


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp
  • z: pipe2origin2

axis: "y"

ϕ: -90

Copy4 CopyCcreates a copy of the selected objects based on four chosen points.


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp
  • z: pipe2origin2


  • x: pipe2origin0
  • y: pipe2origin1 + (Δy - 2ElbowRadius(2R1) + thicktank + disp
  • z: pipe2origin2


  • x: -offset(lvltankdim0,n)
  • y: 0
  • z: 0


  • x: -2offset(lvltankdim0,n)
  • y: 0
  • z: 0

layer5 - Layerset select the layer "0"

layer6 - Layerfreeze freezes the layer "lvlelbow."

layer7 - Layernew creates a new grey layer "lvltank."

Tank - Calls the Tank Program program to build a tank with the origin tankorigin, tank dimensions tankdim and thickness thicktank.

tankorigin - a 3 by 1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the tank will be drawn

tankdim - a 3 by 1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the length, width and height dimensions of the tank

  • x: tank.dim0 = length
  • y: tank.dim1 = width
  • z: tank.dim2 = height

thick - the thickness of the wall of the tank

layer8 - Layerthaw unfreezes the layer "lvlpipe."

layer9 - Layerthaw unfreezes the layer "lvlelbow."

layer10 - Layerset select the layer "lvlpipe."

cylinder - CylinderCcreates a cylinder based on a point, radius and length.

p1: mainorigin

R1: Rmain

L: Hmain + thickplatform + Δz

subtract -SubtractD subtracts based on two points.

p1: tankorigin


  • x: mainorigin0 + Rmain
  • y: mainorigin1
  • z: mainorigin2



