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h1. Experiment 2: 10' Manifold with Am/Ap = 1 

h2. Results


The results of our second experiment seem to reaffirm the results that we found in the first experiment, despite the problems with data collection that existed in the first experiment. The flow starts low then peaks in the first quarter of our manifold and then gradually decreases after that. 

The good news with these results is that wethe feelflow likefrom the ports flowmight isbe sufficiently uniform, only varying +-0.05 for it to work in the AguaClara plants. The mean velocity is 0.214 m/s and has a standard deviation of 0.021 m/s, which might forbe itlow toenough workvariation infor the AguaClara plants. It also achieves The mean velocity might be a little high when considering the goalrestriction of not dropping below the scour velocity of 0.15m/s, so we can be confident that flocs will not settle out in the manifold.  preventing floc breakup. After considering the fact that the manifold is oriented with the ports pointed downwards in the sedimentation tank, we have realized that scour velocity is not as big of an issue in our manifold as we thought. 

We still do not understand the fluid mechanics of what is happening in the manifold and need to investigate that further. We plan on doing this by pushing the boundary of the ratio Am/Ap. Theory says that the smaller that ratio gets, the more pressure recovery should dominate and the higher the velocity should be at the end of the manifold compared with the beginning of the manifold.