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h1. Experiment 2: 10' Manifold with Am/Ap = 1 

h2. Procedure

The measurements were taken every 5-6 ports, which gave us 10 different data points along the manifold.  For each port, we maneuvered the ADV to the edge of the port hole. We then took measurements as we moved the ADV across the port in steps of 0.5cm. We recorded data for approximately 1 minute and then moved the ADV 0.5cm further and measured again until we were sure we had captured the entire jet profile.


Example graph of a velocity profile across one of the ports

InThe the analysisresults of our data,second weexperiment tookseem theto meanreaffirm of the velocitiesresults atthat eachwe port.found  Then we plotted in the velocity profile for each port, assuming a Gaussian profile,  and estimated the maximum flow rate at each port. These calculations were than plotted along the length of the manifold to give a velocity profile for the uniform manifold setup. 

h2. Results & Discussion
The results of our second experiment seem to reaffirm the results that we foundfirst experiment, despite the problems with data collection that existed in the first experiment. The flow starts low then peaks in the first quarter of our manifold and then gradually decreases after that. 

The good news with these results is that we feel like the flow is sufficiently uniform, only varying +-0.05 m/s, for it to work in the AguaClara plants. It also achieves the goal of not dropping below the scour velocity of 0.15m/s, so we can be confident that flocs will not settle out in the manifold. We still do not understand the fluid mechanics of what is happening in the manifold and need to investigate that further.