Nanditha's Individual Contribution Page
Spring 2010 Contributions
This semester, I have been working with Massielle Begazo focusing on different aspects of the launder. First, we had to fix the coupling in the wall separating the sedimentation tank and the exit channel. Last semester it was incorrectly drawn so that there was no socket on one of the ends. These changes were made in the coupling script. Then, we had to add the coupling script into the sedlaunder script in the Sed Tank with Pieces file so that it would draw in the correct part of the plant. I had some trouble with this due to the way the launder was drawn and rotated, but we were able to figure it out.
The next task I worked on related to what holds up the launders on the inlet channel side of the tank. We emailed with the engineers in Honduras and talked to Monroe about some ideas. For the time being, that project has been put on the back burner. However, I shortened the length of the launder so that it does not span the entire width of the sed tank. This way it can be slid out of the coupling and removed if necessary. I also added a cap to the inlet channel side. I also made a minor change to the sed tank by adding space between the top of the lamella and the launder, which adjusted the height of the tank and the height of the water in the tank as well. This is so we can add something in to hold up the launder and also to allow for some error in construction. These changes have been documented on the Launder Design Program page.
Fall 2009 Contributions
This semester, I am continuing as a member of the Design Team. The project I have been working on this semester is designing control pieces to shut off flow from the inlet chimneys into the sedimentation tank. I added information about this to the Inlet Channel Design Program.