Monday Dec 13 from 11:30-1 in Mann 202A


Discuss charge and committee structure
Mobile devices (lending, policies and instruction)
Bissett space upgrades, purchases and brainstorming

Present: Camille Andrews, Jim Morris-Knower, Angela Morse, Gabriel Plaine, Matt Ryan

Absent: John Fereira

We agreed to fold the ereader committee into MaLT's area of responsibility (including set up of policies and training) and examined our current charge to see how we are currently fulfilling or can fulfill the roles and deliverables we've been tasked with (see below in red)

         Monitor and evaluate the use of existing equipment and software. * Usage data from PAC;

  • Keep soliciting assistance from DEA classes;
  • Do IRB training ourselves and use ethnographic research methods Camille and others learned at University of Rochester workshops (Kathy also suggests soliciting assistance from Usability committee).
  • Use methods listed above in spring and summer to develop picture of our users and their needs and the problems they run into and need to solve

         Scan new developments in learning technologies and assess their potential usefulness for Mann. * Look at forthcoming Horizon Report for 2011: mobile computing continues on one-to-two year horizon and open content (on two-to-three year horizon) might be initiative for fall;

  • Continue to track professional development activities like webinar on ebooks; R&O forum on instructional technology tomorrow)
             Make yearly recommendation for upgrades and new purchases, in consultation with the Head of ITS Operations * By next meeting in January, do research on key problem areas for Bissett (noise (Matt), lighting (Jim), furniture (Angela), availability of laptop computers (Gabriel)) and for fully implementing mobile device circulation amongst staff (Camille) in order to make purchase recommendations for Bissett and mobile lending by early spring. Camille will also check into funding processes and available amounts.

         Coordinate with the Instruction Committee, the PAC group, the AV team, and with ITS operations around issues including classroom technologies, IT support, and the configuration and provisioning of public machines* We discussed recent changes in IT  structure in Mann, CUL and the university as a whole
         Each Fall and Spring semester do a session for staff on potential technologies, and a training session on a useful technology. (We agreed to drop this to one session a semester. The next spring session will be for Career Development on mobile tech.)
         Annual report on the use of the equipment and software (TBD)
         Annual request for upgrades and purchases (see above)
Your focus for 2009/10 will be the Bissett space:
         Help Michael and the rest of the AV group to develop and sustain a service model for the space. (TBD)
         Develop and maintain expertise in how the technologies are being used. (see above)
         Propose changes as necessary. (see above)
         Make recommendations and help Laura on the marketing/publicizing of the service. (TBD)

Camille will update charge and schedule meetings at least monthly for spring. In the spring we will make our short term recommendations for purchases for the Bissett space, do the mobile tech session for the CDC, and begin user studies as outlined above. In the summer we will compile our results, consults with experts if need be, and begin planning for fall implementation based on needs assessment.

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