Dear Immersion participants,
Thank you for registering for the ACRL Immersion program-at-Cornell. The program will take place May 21-24, 2012, in the Stern Conference Room, 160 Mann Library.
This program will give CUL instructors’ the opportunity to enhance their teaching skills, build their knowledge of assessment, and see how their instruction fits into the larger context of a CUL  information literacy program. This is the first time that ACRL has customized its Immersion program for an institution, and the faculty leading the program (see bios below) are very excited about the opportunity.

As we draw closer to the start of the program, please watch for the following communication:

  • ACRL will extend an invitation to every participant to join Moodle (course management system, similar to Blackboard) where pre-Immersion readings and other materials will be posted;
  • We anticipate that each participant will need to complete some preparation work in the weeks leading up to start of Immersion on May 21. More information will be forthcoming as soon as the Immersion faculty share it with us; 
  • The Information Literacy Taskforce will share the goals and objectives for CUL’s Information Literacy Program;
  • PSEC Instruction will send out a pre-Immersion survey where we will invite you to share your hopes and goals for Immersion;
  • A final schedule for the Immersion program will be sent to you when it is finalized in early May.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of PSEC Instruction:
Camille Andrews
Kaila Bussert
Gaby Castro-Gessner
Tony Cosgrave
Amy Emerson
Thomas Mills (co-chair)
Jaron Porciello (co-chair)
Tracey Snyder

--faculty bios--

Debra Gilchrist, PhD
Dean of Libraries and Institutional Effectiveness
Pierce College

Debra Gilchrist is Dean of Libraries and Institutional Effectiveness for Pierce College, a community college in Lakewood, Washington. She is responsible for leadership and management of the library, media services, assessment, and institutional research for a multi-campus district. Prior to her position at Pierce, she was Instruction Librarian at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. Debra has given presentations and published in the areas of library instruction, outcomes assessment, the teaching library mission, and faculty/librarian collaboration. She is currently facilitating the implementation of an information competency requirement that is based on student outcomes and focused on measuring library effectiveness based on student learning outcomes. Her professional activities include ALA Councilor (1994-2001), Chair of the ACRL Community and Junior College Library Section Instruction Section Committee (1995-1997), SRRT Action Council (1991-1994) as well as other appointments to ALA, local, and regional committees. She received the Miriam Dudley Award in 2007 and was co-recipient in 1997 of the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation in Instruction Award. Debra holds a B.S. in Recreation/Social Service from California State University, Northridge (1977), her M.L.S. from the University of Denver (1983), an M.S. in Geography from South Dakota State University (1987), and a PhD from Oregon State University in Higher Education Administration and Leadership (2007).

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction, and Associate Professor of Library Administration
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction, and Associate Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Undergraduate Library is widely-known for its use of social networking and other innovative programs to reach out and connect with students. Lisa has worked to foster a culture of exploration and experimentation in "The Undergrad" as well as through her leadership of the Library's User Education Committee. As Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction, Lisa oversees information literacy programs emanating from over 35 campus libraries serving more than 15,000 students/year. Lisa is internationally sought after as a conference speaker and is widely published in the field of information literacy. She has master's degrees in educational psychology and library and information science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Beth S. Woodard
Central Information Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Beth Woodard has served as a reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1983. Since 2002, she has also served as the library-wide Coordinator for Staff Development and Training, providing a wide variety of instructional opportunities for undergraduate student workers, graduate assistants, staff members, academic professionals and library faculty.  These range from preparing an online introduction to the libraries for use by over 400 undergraduate student workers using course-management software, to providing a week-long face-to-face orientation to the library’s 80 graduate assistants, and from providing an intensive institute for training supervisors to providing more customized orientation for new library faculty on research expectations at the institution. Previously she was a reference librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. From 1993 to 1995, Beth team-taught a course in library use instruction in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois. In 1999, she joined the faculty for the Immersion program.  From 2007-2008, she taught the ACRL online course on Teaching Portfolios with Joan Ruelle and Judith Arnold.  She has served as a consultant for improving instruction programs and teaching skills for librarians at several universities in the Midwest, ranging from one-day sessions to five days, and has been asked to present sessions internationally as well. She has served on numerous ALA committees within RUSA (including editor of the RUSA Update and director-at-large) and the ACRL Instruction Section (including secretary and chair), contributing to the Model Statement of Objectives (1984-1987), the Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction (1994-96), and its review (2008-2009),  and the Assessment of Information Environment (2004-2006).  She received the  RUSA Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award in 1998 and the ACRL Instruction Section Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award in 2010. She co-edited the Information Literacy column in RUSQ with Lori Arp from 2002-2009, and has served on the editorial boards of Research Strategies (2001-2006), Communications in Information Literacy (2007-2009) and Practical Academic Librarianship (2010). She has published both on reference and instruction topics.  Beth holds a B.A. in English from Illinois Wesleyan University, and an M.S. in library science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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