As we fine-tune permission sets, please:

  • update the wiki with the revised set
  • add a dated note with a short description of the revision

When staff need additional permissions not covered in their primary sets, we create supplemental permission sets.

  • even if only one permission is needed, it's better to create a set for it; the set may need a change down the road (or may need to be deleted) and it's easier to modify a set than to track down who has an individual permission
  • an exception to the above rule can be for app point people who are developing workarounds for missing functionality

When you give someone a permission set, update the spreadsheet - since we don't yet have a report that tells us who has what.  

How to Create or Edit a Permission Set

  • IMPORTANT:  If you are EDITING (not just viewing) a permission set that contains hidden permissions, you MUST first choose to list invisible permissions as described here: Assigning and Working With Hidden Permissions.  Otherwise the set may be saved without the hidden permissions that were previously there.
  • The permission sets interface is in the Settings app; within that app go to Users, and Permission sets is the first item under General.  Or click here: .
  • Choose the set you want to view/edit, or click on New to create a new set. 

  • For a new set, come up with a name.  At this point we're mostly creating supplemental sets with very few permissions, so try to be specific with the name.  I've been inconsistent on adding descriptions; I'm more focused on adding a note to the wiki.

  • Clicking on Add permission gives you this screen.  Don't add any deprecated permissions.  You can see what Iris has, compared to Honeysuckle, here: Iris to Honeysuckle .
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