Information related to past projects, for future reference.

Chem course syllabi

Post undergraduate Chemistry course syllabi on-line. With Prof. Roger Loring, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

  • Chemistry SyllabiMock-up of what a syllabus distribution web site could look like.

Confirm shared access to stock photos for web site

Photos stored on A&S file server so both Joyce and Oliver can add to them, and access them.

Correct links on home page and elsewhere to News and Events pages

In Chemistry's web site, the "News" page is But all links to that page instead go to, which is a page also including Events.

Events page broken either showed an "Error in element (see logs)" error, or would only work if Bob set it to only the last three events.

Remove or update "Featured News"

Remove (or replace and keep current?) non-current information from "News" page.

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