Public-facing inventory of servers and the like in CCB, most of which are managed by ChemIT.
For a snapshot inventory, and the costs to CCB if they were hosted elsewhere, see ChemIT's spreadsheet in <R:\Chem IT\Projects & Tracking>. The data and analysis is in spreadsheet, "Chem IT Support & Services", tab "Alternative server costs".

1) CCB High Performance Computers (HPC)

Inventory counts and other details related to CCB's HPC clusters.

2) CCB non-HPC servers in 248 Baker Lab and AWS

Inventory and summary notes regarding non-cluster systems in 248 and AWS, including computational stand-alone systems, web servers, and file servers.

3) CCB NMR instrumentation systems

NMR's instrument machines, both Linux and Windows.

Linux software

Power outage records, procedures, and to-do's

Summer 2013 and winter 2014, there were an inordinate number of power outages in Baker Lab, and other Chem buildings!

Server costs if to use non-ChemIT alternatives

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