Phones should be simple, but features can make them complicated. Use these pages to access the basics, and help to identify features you would value.

General phone-related resources and tips

Pages related to more specific phone-related services

AUDIX tips and resources

Many of us use this messaging service (voice mail) instead of an answering machine.

Caller ID to off-campus phones

Campus phones default to not providing CallerID info for off-campus calls. This can lead to phone calls not being picked up because they are not trusted.

CU's My Extension Everywhere service

When My Extension Everywhere is activated, calls to your campus phone number will ring simultaneously on any designated 10 digit phone number. <>. Formerly named Extension to Cellular (EC500).

Example email to faculty on phone options

Email excerpt from us to a faculty member interested in call-forwarding-like services, from his Cornell phone number.

Harold Scheraga's office phone forwarding

Documentation of Harold Scheraga's office phone forwarding set-up.

VoIP phone tips and resources

Most office phones in Baker Lab and ST Olin are Voice-over-IP (VoIP) phones. These use a special network and will not work over normal phone lines.

Esoteric phone-related info

Resources which may be useful to someone. But seems unlikely!

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