Oven Capacity

Oven capacity tests were conducted with the medium cooker built in Fall 2008. The pots
each had 1lb of water in them and they were centered. Three tests were run: 1pot with 1lb
of water; 2 pots with 1lb of water each; 3 pots with 1lb of water each.
The data indicated that more water takes longer to heat. However, for the tests that were
run with 1, 2, and 3 pots, the results showed that they are still within the optimal range. If
the mass of water is doubled, time to heat is not doubled. Diminishing marginal return has
not taken effect yet. More tests are needed to determine the capacity function, and at what
point it is faster to cook two quantities of food or water serially rather than at the same

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[!Oven Capacity.png|width=600px!]

Effect of increasing volume of water in oven on time to cook (done by increasing number of pots with 1lb water each).

Unknown macro: {float}

[!Oven Capacity Series.png|width=600px!]

Time course of temperature change of water for three tests: one pot, two pots, and three pots. Each pot had 1lb of water.

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