
Drag Static Structural into the Project Schematic page, right next to External Model, like so;

In the Project Schematic page, click and drag Setup from External Model and drop it onto Model in Static Structural.

This will load the External Model into ANSYS Mechanical. When External Model is linked with Model in Static Structural, the geometry and mesh in the External Model is transferred to Mechanical and the user can proceed straight to setting up the physics.

Notice there is a lighting bolt symbol on the External Model. Right click on Setup and select Update.

Under Static Structural, right click on Model > Properties. The Tolerance Angle is set to 45 . The Mesh Conversion process computes the angle between the normals of two adjacent elements in the mesh. If this angle is less than or equal to the Tolerance Angle then the two elements are in the same component, otherwise, they are separated. We set the tolerance angle to 15 degrees. For this particular mesh, the changing the tolerance angle does not affect solution results. For larger scale meshes, changing the tolerance angle of the mesh will have an affect on solution results.




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Go to Step 3: Mesh

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