25 March 2011

Interview Data – Company B                                                                           Dick Aubrecht


(1)  Objective was to tap into the knowledge at Cornell in several departments.  We were looking for specific technologies for three different company projects.  This needed an interdisciplinary approach by Cornell.

(2)  Contacts started with Cornell Profs as a part of company recruiting activities -- direct face-to-face conversations on campus.

(3)  Has not yet been successful on any of the three possible projects.

(4)  Why not?

      -  Geographic distance.

      -  Extended discussions related to IP.

(5)  Little personal experience outside of Cornell.

      -  The company has people who look after only one school.

(6)  Cornell has much potential that is not realized.

(7)  Cornell should use its alumni contacts to reach executive-level decision makers who have the budget authority to commit company resources to Cornell projects and make these a company priority.

(8)  N/A.

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