Tyler Johnson, Admin. to VP for International Affairs (Laura Spitz) - Thomas knows them both personally, so reached out to Tyler to ask if they had any data to share with the team on Sept. 22nd.

Suggestions from Tyler:

  • Gather information about services and support that are being offered by non-CUL units to the same population noted above.
    Christine Potter (Director of Global Initiatives), cmp58@cornell.edu
    Nishi Dhupa (Executive Director of the Einaudi Center and Director of Operations in the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs), nd46@cornell.edu
    Marina Markot (Director of Cornell Abroad), msm345@cornell.edu
  • Recommend a SMART* goal-based model to sustain CUL’s support to Cornell’s internationalization. This would include what CUL as a whole should do to develop knowledge and skills for supporting internationalization; how CUL units can continuously assess and decide what to continue or to retire in order to best align resources with services for their particular programs/population; how to fully utilize the information gathered and staff suggestions from previous open meetings; and lastly, what criteria to use that would demonstrate success at both the CUL and unit levels.
    Good question – it would help to talk to Nishi, I think, to make sure there isn’t duplication of effort or ad hoc efforts to fill in gaps that should be filled elsewhere.  For example, I think the CUL has filled some gaps for services that ISSO ought to have provided.  Nishi will be a good resource for how to think about it.

*SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.


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