Other Water Treatment Research Across The Country

The following professors are either conducting research or lecturing about the importance of clean and sustainable water in developing countries.

Susan Murcott
Richard Cash
  • 6174321076; Harvard
    -Dr. Richard A. Cash is presently the Principal Investigator of a NIH training grant on "Ethical Issues in International Health Research". This program explores differences between and within countries with regard to health research ethics and conducts training workshops. In addition to workshops conducted at the HSPH, workshops are planned for Mexico, South Africa, and Kerala in South India.
Menachem Elimelech
  • menachem.elimlech@yale.edu; Yale
    -His research focuses on problems involving physicochemical and biophysical processes in engineered and natural environmental systems, including: (info) membrane separations for desalination and water quality control, (ii) transport and adhesion of microbial pathogens, (iii) processes involving nanoparticles and biomacromolecules, and (iv) water, sanitation, and public health in developing countries.
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