Stock Tank Mixing Detailed Task List Spring 2011

Team Members:
Christopher Inferrera, Jae Lim, Boyang Mao

All team members will participate in each of these experiments.

500 g/L Alum Stock Concentration
The objective of this experiment is to see if there are any problems with solubility or high viscosity for a 500 g/L alum stock concentration. A secondary goal will be to determine what happens if water is pumped through a granular bed of coagulant.

Week 3:
● Obtain sufficient alum to carry out experiments .
● Obtain proper testing equipment (beakers, viscometer , etc.). Linear chemical dose controller will likely be used.
● Viscometer - Currently contacting relevant professors and graduate students in an attempt to obtain a viscometer. If that fails, we will construct a viscometer or purchase one if practical.
● If a viscometer cannot be easily obtained, obtain a set of dose controller from the CBC team. And use the dose controller to figure out the failure point of alum and PACl.
● Conduct a literature review of mixing systems and chemical solubility.
● Carry out analysis of different concentrations of alum solution in lab focusing on viscosity and solubility.

Week 4:
● Analyze results.

Tentative Deadline: 2/18/11 (Week 4)

Determine Range of Acceptable Concentrations for PACl
The objective of this experiment is to determine the acceptable range of concentrations for PACl (polyaluminum chloride) by testing at different concentrations and checking if there are solubility or viscosity issues at each concentration.
● Figure out which kind of PACl to be used.
● Calculate the approximate amount of PACl that is needed.

Week 3
● Obtain sufficient PACl (polyaluminum chloride) to carry out analysis. PACl is obtained from China. Cornell has PACl on campus. Need to determine which type of PACl is needed.
● Obtain proper testing equipment (beakers, viscometer, etc.)
● Conduct a literature review of mixing systems and chemical solubility.

Week 4
● Carry out analysis of different concentrations of PACl solution in lab focusing on finding a range of stock concentrations that are suitable for water treatment use. Test the solubility of PACl. Test the viscosity changing with the concentration changing of PACl solution, and find out if there is a spot where the viscosity suddenly rises . Or, if dose controller is applied, instead of viscometer, find out the spot that the linear flow fails.

Week 5
● Analyze results.

Tentative Deadline: 2/25/11 (Week 5)

Develop a Stirrer Design
We will design a simple stirrer system that can be added to a 55 gallon drum or to a Rotoplast tank and assess what is required to dissolve any granular material on the bottom of the tank and what is required to blend the entire solution.

Week 4 - 5
● Determine how much mixing (energy) is required to fully dissolve the coagulant at different concentrations (some literature search will be required).
● Determine how much mixing (energy) is required to blend dissolved coagulant with water in the stock mixing tank.
● Research different mixing systems.
● Conduct a literature review of mixing systems and chemical solubility.

Week 6 - 7
● Design a mixing system that can be applied to the 55 gallon drum system and start building the system.

Week 8
● Test and analyze mixing system.

Tentative Deadline: 3/18/11 (Week 8)

Develop Stirring System that is Independent of 55 Gallon Drum
We will attempt to create a new design where the coagulant will dissolve before it reaches the bottom of the stock tank because dissolving granular media on the bottom of the tank is difficult. We will also experiment with different methods which an operator could use to create stock solutions that minimize how much stirring is required.

Week 4 - 5
● Determine how much mixing is required to fully dissolve the coagulant at different concentrations
● Research different mixing systems.
● Conduct a literature review of mixing systems and chemical solubility.

Week 8 - 11
● Design a mixing system that can be applied to future generation treatment plants.
● Test design in laboratory setting.
● Implement full scale testing if feasible and carry out analysis of design.

Tentative Deadline: 3/29/11 (Week 11)

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