Goals for Summer 2009

Subteam Leader: Rachel Philipson

Other team members

  • Michael Brancato
  • Maura Carroll
  • Alex Duncan
  • Zachary Romeo

Task List

1. Collect data under standard conditions at four different flow rates (corresponding to capture velocities) through the tube settler to serve as a reference for future experiments.
2. Subject our system to a variety of non-ideal conditions by varying both alum dosage and influent turbidity at these same four flow rates.
3. Vary chemical parameters that affect the strength and density of the floc blanket to aid in analyzing the effects of velocity gradients in the tube settler at different flow rates. Use known correlations in conjunction with our data to produce a more detailed physical model of our system.
4. Use results to quantify tube settler efficiency (as measured by influent and effluent turbidity) as a function of relevant parameters and determine ways to maximize it.
5. Determine, from the relevant performance data, a standard setup, design (if necessary) and mode of operation for the tube settler that will perform most satisfactorily under extremely variable conditions.


Sarkar, Kamilya and Mal. Effect of Geometric and Process Variables on the Performance of Inclined Plate Settlers in treating Aquacultural Waste. Water Research 41 (2007) pp. 993-1000


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