Created by user-dd1ec, last modified by user-d55de on Apr 18, 2009
Outreach Meeting Minutes
Spring 2009 Minutes
April 17, 2009
Working Group: PR
- Secured a demonstration on the Arts Quad for Earth Day on Wednesday the 22nd.
- Completed cover letter for mailing campaign
- There is going to be a display next Wednesday on the Arts Quad with signs about AguaClara. The signs will include everything from facts about AguaClara's successes to statistics about clean drinking water in Honduras. I'm still waiting on the cover letter for the mailing campaign to be reviewed before any brochures, pamphlets, and donation packets can be sent out.
- Need to check up on the status of the AguaClara student organization.
- Need to figure out the direction that PR will take next fall
- Need to continue dialogue with P4HH so that we can collaborate after the creation of the student group.
- confirm SWE presentation
- confirm and recruit earth museum presentation
- Quantitative and qualitative results from accomplishments and outcomes.
- Potential metrics for unresolved issues.
- A summary of resolutions based on what was accomplished.
- New directions and ideas that result from these resolutions.
- Difficult and unresolved issues
- Plans for action
- A summary of major work completed since last meeting based on last meeting's identified outcomes/issues
- Quantitative and qualitative results from accomplishments and outcomes.
- Potential metrics for unresolved issues.
- A summary of resolutions based on what was accomplished.
- New directions and ideas that result from these resolutions.
- Difficult and unresolved issues
- Plans for action
- Finished the Newsletter text draft.
- Working with Chi-Chi on the template.
- Quantitative and qualitative results from accomplishments and outcomes.
- Potential metrics for unresolved issues.
- A summary of resolutions based on what was accomplished.
- New directions and ideas that result from these resolutions.
- Difficult and unresolved issues
- Plans for action
- Designed flyer advertising AguaClara course.
- Created a newsletter template; will email out to Trang, Nicole, and Monroe by tonight.
- Filed an issue report to Adaptivist to request help for major loading time and layout bugs.
- Translations are late due to miscommunication.
- Layout unresponsive to CSS script, cannot override horizontal scrolling.
- Layout unresponsive to simple raw html tag for embedding images.
- Horizontal scrolling not caused by header size.
- Website still has bugs to fix:
- horizontal scrolling
- small menu text
- slow loading time
- tiling background is not seamless
- Must remake the layout from scratch because there are too many overriding tags, which also slow down the website. Temporarily changed the website back to previous layout (to speed it up).
- Need to make an outline with due dates for the translation of each page to prevent future delays.
Working Group: Fundraising
- Copied the questions for the Ford Foundation and found contact information
- Drafted the letter for the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
- Received the grant for the Pilot Plant I wrote. This has been recommended for submission by my Grant Writing professor, so it is a good example of a grant to post on the wiki.
- Helped edit the blanket email for fundraising and PR with Brandon and Nicole.
- The Pilot Plant Grant can be used as a generic grant for future grants and can be edited. It can also be used individually for different components of other grants.
- The Ford Foundation questions have been sent out for people to draft answers to. If we do this carefully and are selected then we become a member of their list of organizations opening nearly limitless grant possibilities
- The Pilot Plant grant can be used in the formation of other grants.
- We need to be very careful with the Ford Foundation questions as a spot on their list will guarantee many grants to come.
- The letter to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation needs a second set of eyes to look over.
- We also need to contact the Ford Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Contacted IAF and got contacts of representatives for Honduras and Central America Regions (John Reed and Jill Wheeler)
- Contacted Resource Foundation and spoke to Julia Love about the possibility of including Aguaclara in their fund raising process. Currently working with Joe to put together a Project summary and funding request for funding activities related to Aguaclara Engineers based in Honduras.
- Prepared documents divided into sections (Executive summary, Abstract, Extended Abstract, Letter of Inquiry etc.,) for future grant writing purposes
- Update part of the five year plan on the Wiki
- Contact with Julia at resource foundation might lead to Aguaclara getting including in their fundraising process (Resource Foundation already sponsors APP in Honduras)
- A summary of resolutions based on what was accomplished.
- New directions and ideas that result from these resolutions.
- I could not update the 5-Year plan timeline because of lack of information. Will talk to Nicole about this during Thursday meeting
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