Agenda for AguaClara Club Meeting 8/31/09

-         Introduce ourselves, discussion topics:

o  Give brief ten minute presentation on AguaClara (Matt)

o  Talk about what we think club objectives are:

-         The objectives of this organization shall be:

1: Raise awareness of the AguaClara Project.

2: Raise world wide water issues among communities

3:  Provide forum for communication between community

4: Provide volunteering opportunities related to the project without enrolling into the class o  Talk about how this is our first year and flexible development and formation of club(Julie)

§ know that people want to do design or research but cannot take the class, we know that some people also want to be in outreach

§ Gives us an excuse to do quarter card on Ho Plaza, get club funding, and do more social events, and work with and form partnerships with other clubs

-         Have them introduce themselves, have other people introduce themselves (name, major, year, and what you hope to get out of the club)

-         Discussion of ideas:

Involvement with AguaClar a class: use calendar system to go to meetings that you can, take on tasks that can be done on your own time

o  Lack of money to build plants (use money to pay for engineers), fundraising (small fundraiser, brick project)

o  Partnership with other organizations on campus

o  Speakers

§ Can invite speakers

§ Link to AguaClara syllabus

o  Specific activities people want to do

o  Talk about officer roles

o  Table (put off for next meeting) officer elections

o  Questions, ideas?

o  Picnic: arts quad a week from today (ask about time); potluck

o  Movie of FLOW (ask)

o  How often to meet (every other week)

o  Budget planning after meeting

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