Floating Flocs Meeting Minutes

Spring 2009 Minutes

April 24, 2009

Working Group: Sand Filter

  • Improved the setup by using larger tubing in order to accomodate the higher flow rates
  • Implemented the aeration apparatus (bubble chamber) to supersaturate the water entering the sand filter column; automated the setup again
  • Obtained a new, taller plastic column (to replace the broken glass column), pressure regulator, and flowmeter and implemented them into the setup
  • Final Report Draft completed.
  • Ran the experiment with Sand 40 (0.42 - 0.59mm) again at the different expansion levels
  • Measured the actual flow rate coming out of the bubble collector for each run
  • Performed a sugar test for each run
  • The new plastic column has a height of ~125cm and inner diameter of ~3cm. The top cap of the column has a 3/8" outlet and the bottom has 1/4" inlet.
  • Sugar test still shows that there is a lot of dissolved oxygen present in the water
  • Good results and graph for Sand 40
  • Cannot run experiment with Glass Beads due to either pressure buildup or flow rate is too fast even with a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min on Process Controller
  • Getting to new setup to work on its own so that it can run overnight
  • Still need to collect data for Sand 30 and Sand 20
  • No labels